Monday, January 30
Spencer Unger (University of Toronto)
Graduate Course on Set Theory, Algebra and Analysis
Part of the Thematic Program on Set Theoretic Methods in Algebra, Dynamics and Geometry
Narad Rampersad (University of Winnipeg)
Computer proofs of some combinatorial congruences
Marco Gualtieri (University of Toronto)
Introduction to generalized geometry (Part 2)
Aaron Tikuisis (University of Ottawa)
Lecture 07 | Introduction to Operator Algebras
Ben Bolker (McMaster University)
Lecture 07 | Statistical Learning
James Arthur (University of Toronto)
Lecture 10 | Automorphic Forms and Representation Theory: an introduction to the Langlands Program
Tuesday, January 31
St. Joseph Catholic School (32 Students - Grade 7/8)
Gergely Röst (University of Szeged)
The work of the national COVID-19 modelling and epidemiology task force of Hungary - a Canadian story
Mario Roy (York University)
Lecture 07 | Countable-State Thermodynamic Formalism and Its Application to Conformal Graph Directed Markov Systems (CGDMSs)
Slawomir Solecki
Graduate Course on the Dynamics and Structure of Transformation Groups
Part of the Thematic Program on Set Theoretic Methods in Algebra, Dynamics and Geometry
Lyle Muller (Western University)
Marieke Mur (Western University)
Lecture 07 | Neural Networks
Alex Fink (Queen Mary University of London)
Matrix orbit closures and their Hilbert functions
Wednesday, February 1
Ben Bolker (McMaster University)
Lecture 08 | Statistical Learning
Aaron Tikuisis (University of Ottawa)
Lecture 08 | Introduction to Operator Algebras
Peter Shor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
The development of quantum error correcting codes
James Arthur (University of Toronto)
Lecture 11 | Automorphic Forms and Representation Theory: an introduction to the Langlands Program
Thursday, February 2
Mario Roy (York University)
Lecture 08 | Countable-State Thermodynamic Formalism and Its Application to Conformal Graph Directed Markov Systems (CGDMSs)
Slawomir Solecki
Graduate Course on the Dynamics and Structure of Transformation Groups
Part of the Thematic Program on Set Theoretic Methods in Algebra, Dynamics and Geometry
Lyle Muller (Western University)
Marieke Mur (Western University)
Lecture 08 | Neural Networks
Christopher Eur (University of California Berkeley)
Signed permutohedra and delta matroids
Cesare Fracassi (University of Texas - Austin)
Pure Momentum in Cryptocurrency Markets
Friday, February 3
Spencer Unger (University of Toronto)
Graduate Course on Set Theory, Algebra and Analysis
Part of the Thematic Program on Set Theoretic Methods in Algebra, Dynamics and Geometry
Shayan Majidy, University of Waterloo
Noncommuting charges and their effect on entanglement
Jan Hubička (Charles University)
Ramsey theorem for trees with successor operation and big Ramsey degrees of relational structures
Nantel Bergeron (York University)
Lucas Gagnon (York University)
Everything you want to know about quasisymmetric varieties, excedance classes and Temperley-Lieb algebra
James Arthur (University of Toronto)
Lecture 12 | Automorphic Forms and Representation Theory: an introduction to the Langlands Program
Saturday, February 4
Sabine El Khoury (American University of Beirut)
Mina Bigdeli (Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM))
Elisa Lorenzo García (Université de Neuchâtel)
Juliette Bruce (Brown University)
Sofia Tirabassi (Stockholm University)
Fatemeh Mohammadi (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven)
Elena Guardo (Università di Catania)
Minyoung Jeon (University of Georgia)
Adela Vraciu (University of South Carolina)
Susan Cooper (University of Manitoba)
Janet Page (North Dakota State University)
Jesse Huang (University of Alberta)
Madeleine Weinstein (Stanford University)
Sunday, February 5