February 16, 2025

NATO Advanced Studies Institute on
Mathematical Problems Arising from Biology

Monday June 14, 1999 -- Thursday June 24, 1999

 Advanced Studies Institute logo

50th Anniversary of the Founding of the North Atlantic Alliance

Schedule of Talks

Organizing Committee

Richard Durrett (Cornell University), Claudia Neuhauser (University of Minnesota).

Programme Committee

Donald Dawson (Fields Institute), Odo Diekmann (University of Utrecht), Richard Durrett (Cornell University), Simon Levin (Princeton University), Claudia Neuhauser (University of Minnesota).

Invited speakers

  • Odo Diekmann (University of Utrecht)
    Physiologically structured population models.
    Difference equations with delay describing semelparous populations.
  • Peter Donnelly (Oxford University)
    Genealogical structure and inference in infinite population models, I and II.
  • Joe Felsenstein (University of Washington)
    Coalescent approaches to detecting natural selection.
    Comparative methods within species and between species.
  • Brian Golding (McMaster University)
    Towards explaining rate variation in proteins with known tertiary structure.
    Methods to aid in the determination of allelic histories.
  • Bryan Grenfell (Cambridge University)
    Simplicity and complexity in the spatial-temporal dynamics of infectious diseases.
    Modelling the origins and impact of aggregation in macroparasite dynamics.
  • Andreas Greven (University of Erlangen)
    Spatial models involving selection.
    Combined effects of selection, recombination, and mutation in spatial models.
  • Robert Griffiths (University of Oxford)
    Ancestral inference from gene trees, I and II.
  • Alan Hastings (University of California, Davis)
    Complex dynamics in ecological systems, I and II.
  • Richard Hudson (University of Chicago)
    Population genetic inferences from sequence data, I and II.
  • Norm Kaplan (National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Research Triangle Park)
    Family based tests for linkage and association between a disease and a genetic marker, I and II.
  • Simon Levin (Princeton University)
    Space and ecological interactions: Foiling competitive exclusion.
    The assembly and evolution of communities.
  • Hans Metz (Leiden University)
    From population dynamics to adaptive dynamics.
    Bifurcations of Evolutionarily Singular Points exemplified by a model for Seed Size Evolution
  • Denis Mollison (Heriott-Watt University)
    Relations between different types of population models.
    Spatial spread of population processes.
  • Steve Pacala (Princeton University)
    Spatial mathematics of plant competition.
    Issues of heterogeneity and scale in models of global carbon storage.
  • David Rand (University of Warwick)
    Correlation equalities and pair approximations for spatial ecology and evolution, I and II.
  • David Sankoff (Centre de Recherches Mathématiques, Université de Montréal)
    Genome rearrangement, models and algorithms, I and II.
  • Simon Tavaré (University of Southern California)
    Ancestral inference problems arising in molecular genetics, I and II.
  • Arndt von Haeseler (Max-Planck-Institut für evolutionäre Anthropologie)
    Building phylogenetic trees from quartets.
    Patterns of nucleotide substitutions.

The workshop will focus on the many interesting mathematical problems that are motivated by a desire to understand the workings of various biological systems. In order to facilitate and stimulate interdisciplinary research, the workshop will bring together a broad range of biologists, mathematical biologists, and mathematicians. Each invited speaker will deliver two lectures. The emphasis in the first week will be ecological models, and in the second will be population genetics. Details are contingent on funding.

Poster Sessions

Two poster sessions will be held.

(a) "Mathematical models in Ecology".
(b) "Mathematical models in Population Genetics"


Financial Support Applications

Funding from NATO's Advanced Study Institute program will support up to 77 students. Applications must be from a member of NATO, or a NATO partner country. At most 25% can be from any one country. Following the granting agencies wishes, we are especially interested in applicants from Greece, Portugal, Turkey, and NATO partner countries. All NATO students are expected to stay for the entire duration of the conference.

Applications for NATO funding should be submitted by March 7, 1999.

Funding from several programs in the mathematical and biological sciences at the National Science Foundation (NSF) will support at least 15 participants from the United States. NSF participants are expected to stay for one of two weeks and are welcome to stay for both.

Applications for NSF funding should be submitted by April 15, 1999.