9-11, 2015
Conference on
Quantum Probability and the Mathematical Modelling
of Decision Making
at the Fields Institute, Toronto
Busemeyer - Indiana University Bloomington (USA)
Ehtibar Dzhafarov Purdue University (USA)
Emmanuel Haven University of Leicester
Andrei Khrennikov Linnaeus University
Arkady Plotnitsky Purdue University (USA)
Emmanuel Pothos City University London
Quantum probability and the
mathematical modelling of decision making
Quantum theory is founded on the premise that the probabilities of events
are associated with subspaces of a vector space, and an additive measure is
proposed to assign these probabilities. The adoption of subspaces as the basis
for predicting events entails a new logic-the logic of subspaces-which relaxes
some of the axioms of Boolean logic. In particular, this logic does not entail
that events are always commutative and distributive, and the closure property
does not always hold.
Human behaviour seems to indicate numerous instances which are also inconsistent
with these axioms of Boolean logic. Human judgments are not always commutative,
and order effects are pervasive.
Human decisions often violate the probabilistic implications of the distributive
axiom. Human concepts are not always capable of satisfying the probabilistic
implications of the closure axiom. Real experimental data from cognitive psychology
related to the disjunction effect violate the basic laws of classical (Kolmogorovian)
Such observations guide us to consider a quantum framework for social and
behavioural sciences, but there are alternative motivations too. The principles
borrowed from quantum theory resonate with deeply rooted psychological intuitions
and conceptions about human cognition and decision.
This three day conference at the Fields Institute will have a variety of
sessions constructed around the main themes as described above. The conference
will have sessions on:
- quantum probability and probabilistic contextuality (with sessions on what
the precise definition of quantum probability is and how the probabilistic
contextuality is applied to issues across different sciences)
-quantum mechanics, and decision making in psychology and economics
-new avenues of research
The conference contains papers from invited speakers and papers which will
have been accepted via the refereeing process.
If you would like to present a paper at this conference then please
submit, at a minimum a one half page abstract of the paper you intend
to present. If you can send us the full paper you want to present then
that is even more appreciated. Please do send your abstract/papers to
Emmanuel Haven (e-mail: eh76@le.ac.uk)
by February 10, 2015.
The referee committee which will decide on the acceptance of your paper
is composed of:
Jerome Busemeyer; Ehtibar Dzhafarov; Emmanuel Haven; Andrei Khrennikov;
Arkady Plotnitsky and Emmanuel Pothos.
Confirmed Keynote Speakers
Donald Saari
UCI Distinguished Professor - Department of Mathematics and Department of
Economics - University of California - Irvine
Karl Gustafson
Department of Mathematics - University of Colorado Boulder
Adam Brandenburger
J. P. Valles Professor of Business Economics and Strategy Leonard N.
Stern School of Business New York University
Day 1: March 9, 2015 |
Time |
Speaker |
Topic |
8:30-9:00am |
Registration On-Site
9:00-9:15am |
Introduction |
9:15-10:15am |
Karl Gustafson (University
of Colorado-Boulder) |
Plenary I: 'Mathematics and inter-disciplinarity'
The Importance of Imagination (or lack thereof) in Artificial, Human,
Quantum Cognition and Decision Making |
Session chair: Andrei Khrennikov |
10:15-10:30am |
Coffee Break
10:30-11:30am |
Adam Brandenburger (New York
University), joint with P. La Mura (Leipzig Graduate School of
Management) |
Plenary II: 'Physics and inter-disciplinarity'
Deriving the qubit from entropy principles |
Session chair: Andrei Khrennikov |
11:30-12:00pm |
Boris Khots and Dmitriy Khots (CCC
Global) |
Plenary II short talk: 'Small decision between classical
and observer's mathematics point of view on quantum mechanics' |
Session chair: Emmanuuel Haven |
12:00-2:00pm |
2:00-3:00pm |
Ehtibar Dzhafarov (Purdue University),
joint with J. Kujala (University of Jyväskylä) |
Plenary III: 'Foundations of probability
in psychology and quantum mechanics'
Contextuality-by-Default approach to understanding random variables |
Session chair: Jerome Busemeyer |
3:00-3:30pm |
Coffee Break
3:30-4:00pm |
Jan-Åke Larsson (Linköpings
universitet) |
Plenary III short talk: 'Contextuality and understanding
properties of quantum physics' |
Session chair: Thomas Boyer-Kassem |
4:00-4:30pm |
Louis Narens (University of California) |
Plenary III short talk: 'Probabilistic Frames for Non-Boolean
Phenomena' |
Session chair: Sandro Sozzo |
4:30-5:00pm |
Coffee Break
5:00-6:00pm |
Arkady Plotnitsky (Purdue
University) |
Plenary IV: 'Models in physics and beyond'
'What does, and does not, count as a mathematical model, in physics
and beyond? From Lagrangian mechanics to Quantum Field Theory' |
Session chair: Emmanuuel Haven |
6:00-6:30pm |
E. Haven (University of Leicester) |
Plenary IV short talk: 'Finance and quantum-like concepts' |
Session chair: Polina Khrennikova |
6:30-7:30pm |
Day 2: March 10, 2015 |
Time |
Speaker |
Topic |
9:30-10:30am |
Andrei Khrennikov (Linnaeus
University) |
Plenary I: 'What is quantum probability'
Can quantum agents agree on disagree? |
Session chair: Arkady Plotnitsky |
10:30-11:00am |
Coffee Break
11:00-11:30am |
V. Yukalov and D. Sornette
(ETH Zurich) |
Plenary I short talk: "Quantum probability
and quantum decision making" |
Session chair: Emmanuuel Haven |
11:30-12:00pm |
Reinhard Blutner (Universiteit Amsterdam) |
Plenary I short talk: 'Modelling tonal attraction: Tonal
hierarchies, interval cycles, and quantum probabilities' |
Session chair: Sandro Sozzo |
12:00-2:00pm |
2:00-3:00pm |
Donald Saari (University
of California) |
Plenary II: 'Quantum mechanics and the social
Exploring path dependencies |
Session chair: Vyacheslav I. Yukalov |
3:00-3:30pm |
Coffee Break
3:30-4:00pm |
W. Lawless (Paine College) |
Plenary II short talk: 'A new theory of teams:
Uncertainty, thermodynamics, and emotion' |
Session chair: Allan Randall |
4:00-4:30pm |
Polina Khrennikova (University of Leicester) |
Plenary II short talk: 'Instability of political preferences
and the role of mass media: a dynamical representation in quantum framework" |
Session chair: Emmanuuel Haven |
4:30-5:00pm |
Allan Randall (York University) |
Plenary short talk: 'A toy algorithmic model of quantum
probability' |
Session chair: William Lawless |
Day 3: March 11, 2015 |
Time |
Speaker |
Topic |
9:15-10:15am |
Jerome Busemeyer (University
of Indiana), joint with Zheng Wang (Ohio State University) |
Plenary I: 'Quantum probability and decision
making in psychology - I'
Multi-dimensional Hilbert Space Modelling of a Collection of Contingency
Tables |
Session chair: Ehtibar Dzhafarov |
10:15-10:30am |
Coffee Break
10:30-11:30am |
Zheng Wang (Ohio State University),
joint with Jerome Busemeyer (Indiana University) |
Plenary II: 'Quantum probability and decision
making in psychology - II'
Multi-dimensional Hilbert Space Model of Order Effects in Perspective
Changing |
Session chair: Ehtibar Dzhafarov |
11:30-12:00pm |
Sandro Sozzo (University of Leicester,
UK), joint with D. Aerts (University of Brussels) |
Plenary I short talk: 'A Quantum-theoretic Perspective
in Cognition Origins, Development, Expectations' |
Session chair: Emmanuuel Haven |
12:00-1:30pm |
1:30-2:00pm |
William Zeng (University
of Oxford) and Philipp Zahn (Universität Mannheim) |
Plenary I short talk: 'Contextuality and
the Theory of Choice' |
Session chair: Sandro Sozzo |
2:00-2:30pm |
Th. Boyer (Université de Lorraine),
joint with: Sébastien Duchêne, Eric Guerci (Université
de Nice Sophia Antipolis) |
Plenary II short talk: 'Testing quantum-like models of
judgment for question order effects' |
Session chair: Jan-Åke Larsson |
2:30-3:00pm |
Th. Boyer (Université de Lorraine),
joint with Sébastien Duchêne, Eric Guerci (Université
de Nice Sophia Antipolis) |
Plenary II short talk: 'Testing quantum-like models of
judgment for conjunction fallacy' |
Session chair: William Zeng |
3:00-3:30pm |
Coffee Break
3:30-4:00pm |
Closing Session |
Final Participants List:
Full Name |
University/Affiliation |
Blutner, Reinhard |
Universiteit van Amsterdam, ILLC |
Boyer-Kassem, Thomas |
Archives H. Poincaré, Université de Lorraine |
Brandenburger, Adam |
New York University |
Burd, Oleg |
N/A |
Busemeyer, Jerome |
University of Indiana Bloomington |
Dzhafarov, Ehtibar |
Purdue University |
Gustafson, Karl E. |
University of Colorado at Boulder |
Haven, Emmanuel |
University of Leicester |
Khots, Boris |
Compressor Controls Corporation |
Khrennikov, Andrei |
Linnaeus University |
Khrennikova, Polina |
University of Leicester |
King, Loren |
Wilfrid Laurier University |
Larsson, Jan-Ake |
Linkoping University |
Narens, Louis |
UC Irvine |
Pereira, Rajesh J. |
University of Guelph |
Plotnitsky, Arkady |
Purdue University |
Randall, Allan |
The Abelard Centre for Education |
Saari, Donald |
University of California - Irvine |
Sozzo, Sandro |
University of Leicester |
Wang, Zheng |
Ohio State University |
Yukalov, Vyacheslav |
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research |
Zeng, William |
Oxford University |
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