January 17, 2025

June 27-29, 2011
to be held at
Carleton University, Ottawa

Saban Alaca (Carleton University),
Abdellah Sebbar (University of Ottawa)
Hugh C. Williams (Carleton University and University of Calgary)
Kenneth S. Williams (Carleton University)


The main focus of the conference is to learn of the latest developments in the area. The goal of the conference is to bring together top researchers in number theory from Canada and abroad in order to foster collaboration and to expose students to important problems in this growing field. We expect that this conference will establish and strengthen research ties among researchers in number theory.


The tentative program is to have 12 speakers each give a one-hour lecture. The lectures will be of a survey nature offering a state-of-the art view of important topics in the field and related areas of mathematics with applications to cryptography. The emphasis will be placed on highlighting the main techniques in a given area as well as outlining some of the important open problems in the area. Each afternoon discussion period on these open problems and/or contributed papers session will take place. The aim is to expose and engage graduate students and established researchers in active research to try to solve some of the proposed open problems.


For Conference Problems please click here.

INVITED SPEAKERS (speaker abstracts)

Stephen Choi, Simon Fraser University
Todd Cochrane, Kansas State University (Slides)
Karl Dilcher, Dalhousie University
Matthew Greenberg, University of Calgary (Slides)
Matilde Lalín, Université de Montréal
Hugh L. Montgomery, University of Michigan (Slides)
Kumar Murty, University of Toronto
Damien Roy, University of Ottawa
Renate Scheidler, University of Calgary (Slides)
Edlyn Teske-Wilson, University of Waterloo (Slides)
Gary Walsh, University of Ottawa (Slides)
Lawrence C. Washington, University of Maryland

CONTRIBUTED TALKS (speaker abstracts)

Timothy Caley, University of Waterloo
Michael Dewar, Queen's University
Greg Doyle, Carleton University
Himadri Ganguli, Simon Fraser University
Hester Graves, Queen's University
Behzad Omidi Koma, Carleton University
Fabien Pazuki, University Bordeaux 1
Ethan Smith, CRM
David Thomson, Carleton University
Colin Weir, University of Calgary

Graduate Student Travel Support
A letter of support from your graduate supervisor should also be sent by email to salaca(at) Applications will be considered in the order they are received up to May 31, 2011. Applications now closed.


Monday, June 27
Location: 5050 Minto Centre
9:30—10:30 Invited lecture, Gary Walsh, University of Ottawa
10:30—11:00 Refreshments
11:00 – 12:00 Invited lecture, Edlyn Teske-Wilson, University of Waterloo
12:00 – 1:30 Lunch
1:30 – 2:30 Invited lecture, Matilde Lalín, Université de Montréal
2:30 – 3:00 Refreshments
3:00 – 4:00 Invited lecture, Matthew Greenberg, University of Calgary
4:00 – 4:10 Break
4:10 – 4:30 Contributed talk, Timothy Caley, University of Waterloo
4:30 – 4:50 Contributed talk, Michael Dewar, Queen's University
4:50 – 5:10 Contributed talk, Greg Doyle, Carleton University
5:10 – 5:30 Contributed talk, Himadri Ganguli, Simon Fraser University
5:30—5:50 Contributed talk, Rob Noble, Dalhousie University
Tuesday, June 28
Location: 5050 Minto Centre
9:30—10:30 Invited lecture, Stephen Choi, Simon Fraser University
10:30—11:00 Refreshments
11:00 – 12:00 Invited lecture, Todd Cochrane, Kansas State University
12:00 – 1:30 Lunch
1:30 – 2:30 Invited lecture, Hugh L. Montgomery, University of Michigan
2:30 – 3:00 Open Problems Session
3:00 – 4:00 Invited lecture, Kumar Murty, University of Toronto
4:00 – 4:10 Break
4:10 – 4:30 Contributed talk, Hester Graves, Queen's University
4:30 – 4:50 Contributed talk, Behzad Omidi Koma, Carleton University
4:50 – 5:10 Contributed talk, Ethan Smith, CRM
6:30 Bus pick up for dinner
7:00 – 8:45 Dinner at Chinese restaurant
Wednesday, June 29
Location: 5050 Minto Centre
9:30—10:30 Invited lecture, Lawrence C. Washington, University of Maryland
10:30—11:00 Refreshments
11:00 – 12:00 Invited lecture, Renate Scheidler, University of Calgary
12:00 – 1:30 Lunch
1:30 – 2:30 Invited lecture, Karl Dilcher, Dalhousie University
2:30 – 3:00 Refreshments
3:00 – 4:00 Invited lecture, Damien Roy, University of Ottawa
4:10 – 4:40 Contributed talk, Fabien Pazuki, University Bordeaux 1
4:40 – 5:00 Contributed talk, David Thomson, Carleton University
5:00 – 5:20 Contributed talk, Colin Weir, University of Calgary


Some financial support is available for graduate students wishing to attend the conference. A graduate student wishing to apply for funding should do so online at the time of registering (online application open shortly). . The application should include a proposed budget of expenses. A letter of support from his/her graduate supervisor should be sent by email to salaca(at) Applications will be considered in the order they are received up to May 31, 2011.


Please submit the abstract of your proposed contributed paper via email to Dr. Kenneth S. Williams at kwilliam(at) no later than May 31, 2011. Papers will be considered in the order they are received. Contributors of accepted papers will be informed no later than June 17, 2011. Each contributed talk will be allotted 15 min.

List of Registered Participants as of June 21, 2011:

Full Name University Name
Alaca, Ayse Carleton University
Alaca, Saban Carleton University
Aygin, Zafer Meliksah University
Bamunoba, Alex Samuel University of Stellenbosch
Bensawd, Hawa Carleton University
Caley, Timothy University of Waterloo
Chen, Xueqing University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
Choi, Stephen Simon Fraser University
Cochrane, Todd Kansas State University
Dewar, Michael Queen's University
Dias, Dimitri Université de Montréal
Dilcher, Karl Dalhousie University
Dinh Van, Hoang NUI Galway
Doyle, Greg Carleton University
Fiorilli, Daniel Université de Montréal
Ganguli, Himadri Simon Fraser University
Graves, Hester Queen's University
Greenberg, Matthew University of Calgary
Hanson, Brandon University of Toronto
Hayman, Colin Carleton University
Henriot, Kevin Université de Montréal
Kesicio?lu, Yavuz Rize University
Lalín, Matilde Université de Montréal
Lemire, Mathieu Carleton University
Lozier, Stéphane University of Ottawa
Milcak, Juraj University of Toronto
Montgomery, Hugh L. University of Michigan
Murty, Vijaya Kumar University of Toronto
Naslund, Eric University of British Columbia
Nguyen, Ngoc Ai Van University of Ottawa
Noble, Rob Dalhousie University
Ntienjem, Ebénézer Carleton University
Omidi Koma, Behzad Carleton University
Panario, Daniel Carleton University
Pazuki, Fabien University Bordeaux 1
Pehlivan, Lerna York University
Quan, Diane University of Calgary
Roy, Damien University of Ottawa
Ryan, Philip Carleton University
Scheidler, Renate University of Calgary
Sebbar, Abdellah University of Ottawa
Smith, Ethan Centre de recherches mathematiques
Teske-Wilson, Edlyn University of Waterloo
Thomson, David Carleton University
Turner, Graeme Carleton University
Tuxanidy Torres, Aleksandr Carleton University
Vichitkunakorn, Panupong University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Walsh, Gary University of Ottawa
Wang, Qiang Carleton University
Washington, Lawrence University of Maryland
Weir, Colin University of Calgary
Williams, Hugh C. University of Calgary
Williams, Kenneth Carleton University
Yuttanan, Boonrod University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

