Fields Academy Shared Graduate Course: Quantum Computing
Instructor: Prof. Yuly Billig
Registration Deadline: September 24th, 2021
Lecture Times: Asynchronous (lectures will be pre-recorded)
Office Hours: TBC
Course Dates: September 9th - December 10th, 2021
Mid-Semester Break: October 25th - 29th, 2021
Grading: 4 Assignments | 1 Open-book midterm | 1 Take-home final exam (to be completed during the week of December 16th - 23rd, 2021)
Course Overview
Space of quantum bits; entanglement | Observables in quantum mechanics | Density matrix and Schmidt decomposition | Quantum cryptography | Classical and Quantum logic gates | Quantum Fourier transform | Shor's quantum algorithm for factorization of integers