Following the chain links : Opportunities and challenges of large-scale Blockchain data research
Blockchain, despite being one of the most dynamically growing technologies, still is firmly rooted in its Cryptocurrency applications / origins. The global success of Blockchain is highly dependent on the adoption and acceptance of Bitcoin, Ethereum and other digital currencies. Coinfirm aims to set a level playing field, offering a stable and safe space for people and institutions eager to participate in this emerging market. It aims to eliminate the fear of fraud and engagement in criminal activity. However such tasks cannot be accomplished without large scale data processing.
During this speech, we will discuss Coinfirm’s approach to building a Data Engine capable of dealing with Blockchain’s transactional data. The result of this work - the largest and most complete known database of transactions and addresses interconnected by our proprietary algorithms could serve as a cornerstone of the new crypto-market. Data scientists, public regulators and all agents dealing with digital currencies will benefit from clarity and stability offered by preprocessed data. Before we take a leap we must consider several technical questions. We will talk about those that are already answered and those that are about to be. We will touch on how we develop our model of Cryptocurrency analysis and other interesting projects Coinfirm is brining to Blockchain table.