Program Committee: J. Chadam (McMaster University), L.Glass (McGill
University), W. Langford (University of Guelph), J. Marsden (The Fields
Institute/University of California at Berkeley), W.F. Shadwick (The
Fields Institute/University of Waterloo)
Workshop in Mathematical Ecology (May 26 - 29, 1993)
Coordinators: H.I. Freedman (University of Alberta), J. Wu (York
Pattern Formation and Lattice Gas Automata (June 7 - 12, 1993)
Coordinators: A. Lawniczak (University of Guelph), R. Kapral (University
of Toronto)
Nonlinear Dynamics and Stochastic Mechanics (August 28
- September 1, 1993)
Coordinators: W.H. Kliemann (Iowa State University), W.F. Langford
(University of Guelph), N. Sri Namachchivaya (University of Illinois)
Short Course - Introduction to Lattice Gas Automata Methods (June
3 -4, 1993)
Coordinators: A. Lawniczak (University of Guelph), R. Kapral (University
of Toronto)
Lecture 1: Lattice-Gas Automata for Hydrodynamics by Karen Diemer
(The Fields Institute)
Lecture 2: Lattice-Gas Automata for ChemicallyReacting Systems:
Theory by A. Lawniczak (University of Guelph)
Lecture 3: Reactive Lattice-Gas Automata: Applications by Xiao-Guang
Wu (University of Toronto)
Lecture 4: Lattice Boltzmann Computational Fluid Dynamics by Shiyi
Chen (Los alamos National Laboratory)
General Research Seminars in Dynamical Systems
December 6, 1993 -- Dmitrii Anosov (The Steklov Institute,
On Linear Systems of Ordinary
Differential Equations in Complex Domain
November 25, 1993 -- Yuri Zarhin (Pennsylvania State University)
Abelian Subvarieties and Endomorphisms of Complex Tori
Septemer 28, 1993 -- Try Shinbrot (Northwestern University)
Chaos, Control and Coherence
September 15, 1993 -- Bernd Krauskopf (University of Groningen)
On the Bifurcation Set
= e
+ e
+ b
June '93-March '94
Geometric Mechanics Micro-Program
Geometric Mechanics Seminar Series
April 21, 1994 -- Ana Cascon (Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brasil)
Geometric Invariants for the Duffing Equation (Work in Progress)
January 31, February 7, 21, 1994 -- Aurel Wisse (The Fields Institute)
Isospectral Hamiltonian Flows, Moment Maps into Loop Algebras and
Nonlinear Differential Equations
November 19, 1993 -- John Bland (University of Toronto)
Pseudoconformal Geometry on
the 3-Sphere
November 1, 1993 -- Richard Sharpe (University of Toronto)
Cartan Space Forms
June 1994
May 24 - 21, 1994 -- Hebb Symposium
on Neurons and Biological Dynamics
Organizers: D. Brillinger (University of California, Berkeley)
and A. Longtin (University of Ottawa)
May 16, 1994 -- DISTINGUISHED LECTURE SERIES held at University
of Toronto
David Mumford, Harvard University
Mathematical Models for Thought - Markov Random Fields and Pointer
Variables - and Links with Neurobiology
Nancy Kopell, University of Boston
Oscillating Networks of Neurons: What Makes Them Tick?
April 30 - May 4, 1994 --
Computational Number Theory Workshop
Organizers: H. Williams (University of Manitoba), H. Lenstra,
Jr. (University of California, Berkeley), J. Shallit (University
of Waterloo)
Gerd Faltings, Princeton University
Lecture 1:The Product Theorem; Lecture 2:Abelian Varieties Lecture;
3:Projective Spaces
November 25, 1993 -- Special Seminar
Yuri Zarhin (Pennsylvania State University)
Abelian Subvarieties and Endo morphisms of Complex Tori
August 28 - September 1, 1993 --
International Symposium on Nonlinear Dynamics and Stochastic
Other General Scientific Activities Sponsored by the Fields Institute
June 1 - 2, 1993
Mathematics Education Workshop
Organizers: J.E. Marsden (The Fields Institute/University of California,
berkeley), W.F. Shadwick (The Fields Institute/University of Waterloo)
October 17 - 20, 1993
Application-Specific Techniques in High Performance Computing
Organizers: P. Crouch, R. Grossman, A. Nerode, W. F. Shadwick, S.
October 14 - 17, 1993
Integration Algorithms for Classical Mechanics
Organizers: J. Marsden, S. Tremaine, G. Patrick, C. Scovel, J. Simo,
J. Wisdom
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