February  7, 2025

May 7-10, 2015
Workshop on Representation Theory and Analysis on Lie Groups over Local Fields
to be held at the
Department of Mathematics and Statistics,
University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada

Organizers: Monica Nevins and Hadi Salmasian (University of Ottawa)


The primary focus of this workshop is on recent advances in the representation theory of real and p-adic groups and their applications. In particular, one of the areas in which substantial progress has been achieved is the harmonic analysis on homogeneous varieties. Within the past five years, there have been major breakthroughs in analysis on spherical varieties in the following two directions:

(i) The work of Krötz-Sayag-Schlichtkrull on the decay of matrix coefficients and homogeneous spaces that satisfy VAI (vanishing at infinity). Recent progress in this direction has led to uniform multiplicity bounds on the spectrum of real spherical varieties (Krötz-Schlichtkrull). It is moreover expected to have important applications outside representation theory, such as asymptotics of integer points on homogeneous varieties and lattice counting.

(ii) The work and conjectures of Sakellaridis-Venkatesh on the connection between the spectrum of a spherical variety, automorphic period integrals, and Arthur parameters. This substantial work brings together ideas from the geometric Langlands program, the geometry of spherical varieties "at infinity", and scattering theory. Several low-rank special cases of these conjectures have recently been solved in the work of Gan-Gomez using the method of theta correspondence.

The workshop will run for three full days and a morning session on the fourth day (Thursday morning - Sunday noon). It consists of two mini-courses (given by Bernhard Krötz and Yiannis Sakellaridis) on the aforementioned themes, interspersed with several talks by senior as well as junior researchers on related topics in representation theory. The topics include (but are not limited to) analysis on symmetric spaces, infinite dimensional groups, and the relation between p-adic representation theory and Hecke algebras.

Mini-course lecturers

Bernhard Krötz (Paderborn)
Yiannis Sakellaridis (Rutgers/NTU Athens)

Confirmed Speakers

Ioan Badulescu (Montpellier)
Julia Gordon (UBC)
Ju-Lee Kim (MIT)
Paul Mezo (Carleton)
Karl-Hermann Neeb (Erlangen)
Gestur Olafsson (Louisiana State)
Manish Patnaik (Alberta)
Eitan Sayag (BGU)


Please note that the workshop talks hold in two different rooms on campus, which are not in the mathematics department. The workshop room for May 7, 9, and 10 is ART 033 and for May 8 is FSS 1007. Both buildings are within a few minutes' walk from the University Residences (the building code for the residence is STN).

Conference dinner:
Reservations have been made for 35 people at Johnny Farina Restaurant (216 Elgin Street, between Lisgar & Cooper) on Friday May 8 at 6:00p.m. An approximate headcount will be conducted on Thursday afternoon to finalize the reservation.

74th Algebra Day:
The following conference takes place at the University of Ottawa just before our workshop:


Thursday May 7, 2015 - Location: ART 033
Time Speaker Title
9:30-10:30 Bernhard Krötz (University of Paderborn) Lecture 1: Volume growth on homogeneous spaces
11:00-12:00 Yiannis Sakellaridis (Rutgers University/NTU Athens) Lecture 1: Geometry of toric and spherical varieties, and the theory of asymptotics
14:00-15:00 Paul Mezo (Carleton University) Twisted endoscopy from the sheaf-theoretic perspective
15:30-16:30 Guido Pezzini (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg) Spherical subgroups of Kac-Moody groups
16:30-17:30 Ioan Badulescu (University of Montpellier, France) Base change for non tempered representations
Friday May 8, 2015 - Location: FSS 1007
Time Speaker Title
8:30-9:30 Yiannis Sakellaridis (Rutgers University/NTU Athens) Lecture 2: Plancherel decomposition and scattering theory
9:30-10:30 Bernhard Krötz (University of Paderborn) Lecture 2: Real spherical spaces I: Geometry
11:00-12:00 Karl-Hermann Neeb (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg) Positive energy representations of gauge groups
13:45-14:45 Jessica Fintzen (Harvard University) Stable vectors in the Moy-Prasad ltration
15:00-16:00 Christoph Zellner (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg) Specifying smooth vectors for semibounded representations by single elements and applications
16:00-17:00 Manish Patnaik (University of Alberta) On the theory of automorphic forms on loop groups
Saturday May 9, 2015 - Location: ART 033
Time Speaker Title
8:30-9:30 Bernhard Krötz (University of Paderborn) Lecture 3: Real spherical spaces II: Harmonic Analysis
9:30-10:30 Gestur Olafsson (Louisiana State University) Reflection positivity: representation theory meets quantum field theory
11:00-12:00 Julia Gordon (University of British Columbia) Uniform in p estimates for orbital integrals
14:00-15:00 Matthew Dawson (Centro de Investigación en Matemáticas, A.C. (CIMAT)) Invariant Means and Harmonic Analysis on Direct-Limit Groups
15:30-16:30 Max Gurevich (Technion) Ladder representations and Galois distinction
16:30-17:30 Moshe Adrian (University of Toronto) Langlands parameters for simple supercuspidal representations of classical groups
Sunday May 10, 2015 - Location: ART 033
Time Speaker  
8:30-9:30 Yiannis Sakellaridis (Rutgers University/NTU Athens) Lecture 3: Local harmonic analysis and periods of automorphic forms
9:30-10:30 Camelia Karimianpour (University of Ottawa) Representations of the n-fold Covering Group of the Special Linear Group and Their K-types
11:00-12:00 Julee Kim (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Asymptotic behavior of supercuspidal characters and Sato-Tate equidistribution for families
12:00-13:00 Eitan Sayag (Ben-Gurion University) Decay and regularity on spherical spaces


Participants List:

Full Name University/Affiliation
Adrian, Moshe University of Toronto
Ali, Abid University of Alberta
Alzaareer, Hamza  
Aubert, Anne-Marie UPMC
Badulescu, Ioan University of Montpellier, France
Bardestani, Mohammad University of Ottawa
Behboodi, Gholamreza University of Ottawa
Binder, John MIT
Chakhar, Abdelkarim Université Laval
Chan, Kei Yuen University of Amsterdam
Christie, Aaron University of Ottawa
Coolimuttam Gopalakrishnan, Venketasubramanian Ben Gurion university of the Negev
Cunningham, Clifton University of Calgary
Das, Haridas Concordia University
Dawson, Matthew Centro de Investigación en Matemáticas, A.C. (CIMAT)
Filip, Ioan Columbia University
Fintzen, Jessica Harvard University
Gordon, Julia University of British Columbia
Gupta, Vishal Max Planck Institute
Gurevich, Max Technion
Hakim, Jeffrey American University
He, Xiao Université Laval
Islam, Rabib University of Ottawa
Kangni, Kinvi Université Felix Houphouet Boigny
Karimianpour, Camelia University of Ottawa
Kim, Julee Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Krotz, Bernhard University of Paderborn
Majeed, Asia University of Manitoba
Mezo, Paul Carleton University
Mitra, Arnab Ben Gurion University of the Negev
Moussaoui, Ahmed IMJ-PRG
Moustafa, Kopuider Elouahed Oran University
Murnaghan, Fiona University of Toronto
Neeb, Karl-Hermann FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
Neher, Erhard University of Ottawa
Nevins, Monica University of Ottawa
Nguyen, Athena University of British Columbia
Noorzad, Abdul Sami Karwan University
Olafsson, Gestur Louisiana State University
Patnaik, Manish University of Alberta
Pezzini, Guido Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Pike, Jeffrey University of Ottawa
Polak, Jason McGill University
Pushkas, Anna University of Alberta
Quiroga-Brranco, Raul Cimat
Ransingh, Biswajit Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai
Romano, Beth Boston College
Rumynin, Dmitriy University of Warwick
Saenz, Javier CIMAT
Sakellaridis, Yiannis Rutgers University, Newark
Salcedo, Emilio CIMAT
Salmasian, Hadi University of Ottawa
Savage, Alistair University of Ottawa
Sayag, Eitan Ben-Gurion University
Sedano, Manuel Centro de Investigación en Matemáticas
Shen, Xin University of Toronto
Smith, Jerrod University of Toronto
Subag, Eyal Tel-Aviv University
Tam, Kamfai McMaster University
Tian, Fangyang University of Minnesota
Tsai, Cheng-Chiang Harvard University
Valdes, Juan Fernando Centro de Investigación de Matemáticas
Verma, Mahendra IIT Bombay
Wang, Junqi Rutgers University
Wong, Tian An CUNY Graduate Center
Zainoulline, Kirill University of Ottawa
Zellner, Christoph FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
Zhou, Qiao University of California, Berkeley
Zurstraßen, Janina Johannes Gutenberg-Universität

