February 14, 2025

October 3-4, 2009
to be held at the Fields Institute

Organizing Committee:
Megumi Harada (McMaster University)
Joel Kamnitzer (University of Toronto)
Kevin Purbhoo (University of Waterloo)


Broadly, the subject of our workshop is “groups and geometry”. A number of rich branches of mathematics lie at the intersection of these two large areas. More specifically, our main themes of interest are: geometric representation theory, group actions on manifolds and varieties, and combinatorial aspects of geometry and representation theory.

We plan on holding a 2-day weekend workshop with 4 to 5 talks per day. We will invite speakers and participants from different Ontario universities and other regional institutions. There will be talks by faculty, post-docs, and senior graduate students, with emphasis on a high level of mathematical and communicative quality.

The workshop is also an informal celebration of Allen Knutson's 40th birthday. We hope and intendfor the workshop to reflect Allen's wide-ranging mathematical interests which span all of the above-mentioned themes of the workshop

Sergey Arkhipov (Toronto)
Chris Brav (Toronto)
Allen Knutson (Cornell)
Mikhail Mazin (Toronto)

Nicholas Proudfoot (Oregon)
Michael Roth (Queens)
Alistair Savage (Ottawa)
Michael Wong (McGill)


9:30-10:00 Morning Coffee
10:00-11:00 Cup product of line bundles on complete flag varieties
Michael Roth (Queen’s University)
11:00-11:30 Coffee Break
11:30-12:30 Equivariant map algebras
Alistair Savage (University of Ottawa)
12:30-2:30 Lunch Break
2:30-3:15 Smaller non-commutative resolutions of rank varieties
Chris Brav (University of Toronto)
3:15-3:45 Coffee Break
3:45-4:45 Modules over the quantum group and coherent sheaves.
The singular block case.

Sergey Arkhipov (University of Toronto)
4:45-6:00 Free time
6:00 onwards Banquet
8:30-9:00 Morning Coffee
9:00-9:45 Wonderful Compactifications and Moduli of Principal Bundles
Michael Lennox Wong (McGill University)
9:45-10:15 Coffee Break
10:15-11:15 Goresky-MacPherson duality and deformations of Koszul algebras
Nicholas Proudfoot (University of Oregon)
11:15-1:00 Lunch Break
1:00-1:45 Geometric Theory of Parshin’s Residues
Mikhail Mazin (University of Toronto)
1:45-2:00 Coffee Break
2:00-3:00 Frobenius splitting and juggling patterns
Allen Knutson (Cornell University)
End of Conference


Final List of Participants

Full Name University Name
Adibhatla, Rajender Carleton University
Arkhipov, Sergey University of Toronto
Bailey, Michael University of Toronto
Bayegan, Darius McMaster University
Bertiger, Anna Cornell University
Brav, Christopher University of Toronto
Breton, Sacha McMaster University
Chipalkatti, Jaydeep University of Manitoba
Dewitt, Barry McMaster University
Fisher, Jonathan University of Toronto
Fok, Chi-Kwong Cornell University
Fontaine, Bruce University of Toronto
Franz, Matthias University of Western Ontario
Goldberg, Timothy Cornell University
Goldin, Rebecca George Mason University
Gracia-Saz, Alfonso University of Toronto
Grieve, Nathan Queen's University
Gualtieri, Marco University of Toronto
Guay-Paquet, Mathieu University of Waterloo
Hannigan-Daley, Brad University of Toronto
Hannigan-Daley, Brad University of Waterloo
Harada, Megumi McMaster University
Holm, Tara Cornell University
Hurtubise, Jacques Université de Montréal
Jeffrey, Lisa University of Toronto
Kamnitzer, Joel University of Toronto
Khan, Waseem CIIT
Knutson, Allen Cornell University
Kolhatkar, Ratnadha Ottawa University
Krepski, Derek McMaster University
Landweber, Gregory Bard College
Lau, Michael University of Windsor
Li-Bland, David University of Toronto
Mahmood, Fatima Cornell University
Martens, Johan Unicamp
Matsumura, Tomoo Cornell University
Mautner, Carl University of Texas at Austin
Mazin, Mikhail University of Toronto
Meinrenken, Eckhard University of Toronto
Moraru, Ruxandra University of Waterloo
Morgan, Stephen University of Toronto
Moseley, Daniel University of Oregon
Muller, Gregory Cornell University
Neher, Erhard University of Ottawa
Préville-Ratelle, Louis-François Université du Québec à Montréal
Proudfoot, Nicholas University of Oregon
Purbhoo, Kevin University of Waterloo
Pym, Brent University of Toronto
Rajchgot, Jenna Cornell University
Roth, Michael Queen's University
Salmasian, Hadi University of Ottawa
Savage, Alistair University of Ottawa
Selick, Paul University of Toronto
Sjamaar, Reyer Cornell University
Smith, Kathleen University of Toronto
Snider, Michelle Cornell University
Sun, Jie University of Ottawa
Sutar, Kavita Northeastern University
Thind, Jaimal Queen's University
Thomas, Hugh University of New Brunswick
Vargas, Yannic Université du Québec à Montréal
Watts, Jordan University of Toronto
Wong, Michael Lennox McGill University
Zhang, Lucy Liuxuan University of Toronto
Abe, Hiraku McMaster University
Akram, Javed Quaid-I-Azam University Islamabad
Leung, Ho Hon Cornell University
Majd, Nayereh University of Tehran
Olusa, Olufemi University of Ibadan


Application for travel support for Students and PDf's
Funding application closed as of August 15