February 12, 2025

July 13-18,2008 Canadian Number Theory Association X Meeting
University of Waterloo

Conference will start 2pm, Sunday, July 13,
and finish 5pm Friday, July 18

Conference Organizers

Supported by


Kevin Hare (Waterloo)
Wentang Kuo (Waterloo)
Yu-Ru Liu (Waterloo)
David McKinnon (Waterloo)
Michael Rubinstein (Waterloo)
Cam Stewart (Waterloo)

The next meeting of the Canadian Number Theory Association, CNTA X, will be held in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada during the week of July 13-18, 2008. It will take place at the on the campus of the University of Waterloo. All talks will take place in the Arts Lecture Hall. A map of the Campus can be found here

The Canadian Number Theory Association (CNTA) was founded in 1987 at the International Number Theory Conference at Laval University. The purpose of the CNTA is to enhance and promote learning and research in Number Theory, particularly in Canada. To advance these goals the CNTA organizes major international conferences, with the aim of exposing Canadian students and researchers to the latest developments in number theory. The previous meetings have been held in Banff (1988), Vancouver (1989), Kingston (1991), Halifax (1994), Ottawa (1996), Winnipeg (1999), Montreal (2002) and Toronto (2004) and Vancouver (2006). These have been high quality conferences which have had wide participation of the international number theory community.


The conference will contain 12 plenary lectures, including a talk given by the winner of the 2008 Ribenboim Prize (an award for distinguished research in number theory), and a Public Lecture open to the general public. Plenary lectures are 45 minutes in length, and our emphasis will be on analytic number theory, arithmetic geometry, and their fruitful interactions developed in recent years. The following mathematicians have cofirmed their intention to give plenary lectures.

Confirmed Plenary Speakers:

Henri Darmon (McGill)
Andrew Granville (Montreal)
Roger Heath-Brown (Oxford)
Ram Murty (Queen's)

Carl Pomerance (Dartmouth)
Bjorn Poonen (MIT)
Trevor Wooley (University of Bristol)

Invited Speakers

Public lecture

Peter Hilton, Binghamton University
Breaking highgrade German ciphers in WWII

Confirmed Special Session Speakers

J.-P. Allouche (Universite Paris-Sud)
Francesco Amoroso (University of Caen)
A. Baragar (University of Nevada Las Vegas)
M. Bennett (University of British Columbia)
V. Blomer (Univeristy of Toronto)
A. Booker (Bristol)
T. Browning (Bristol University)
J. Brüdern (University of Stuttgart)
Y. Bugeaud (Strasbourg)
I. Chen (Simon Fraser University)
B. Conrey (American Institute of Mathematics)
C. David (Concordia University)
C. Delaunay (Universite Claude-Bernard (Lyon I))
J.-H. Evertse (University of Leiden)
D. Farmer (American Institute of Mathematics)
J. Friedlander (University of Toronto)
Wee Teck Gan (University of California San Diego)
S. Gonek (Rochester)
Eyal Goren (McGill)
K. Kawada (Iwate)
H. Kim (University of Toronto)
S. Kudla (University of Toronto)
W. Li (Pennsylvania State University)
G. Martin (University of British Columbia)
M. Mossinghoff (Davidson College)
K. Murty (University of Toronto)
M. Papanikolas (Texas A&M)
P. Pollack (Dartmouth)
M. Rosen (Brown University)
D. Roy (University of Ottawa)
R. Sharifi (McMaster University)
J. Silverman (Brown University)
K. Soundararajan (Stanford University)
C. Smyth (University of Edinburgh)
N. Snaith (Bristol University)
H. Williams (University of Calgary)
R. van Luijk (Simon Fraser University)
J. Yu (National Center of Theoretical Sciences, Taiwan)
J.-K. Yu (Purdue University)

Ribenboim Prize in Number Theory (.pdf version of announcement )

The winner of the 2008 Ribenboim Prize is Adrian Iovita, of Concordia University.

The Canadian Number Theory Association (CNTA) solicited nominations for the Fifth Ribenboim Prize, for distinguished research in number theory by a mathematician who is Canadian or has connections to Canadian mathematics. This prize is normally awarded every 2-4 years in conjunction with a CNTA meeting. The intention is to award the next prize at the 10th CNTA meeting to be held from July 13-18, 2008 in Waterloo.

The first prize was awarded in 1999 to Professor Andrew Granville, the second prize was awarded in 2002 to Professor Henri Darmon and the third prize was awarded in 2004 to Professor Michael Bennett. The 2006 Ribenboim Prize has been awarded to Professor Vinayak Vatsal of the University of British Columbia.

The 2008 prize winner will receive a certificate and medal and will give a plenary talk at the CNTA meeting. Normally the prize winner will have received his or her Ph.D. within the last 12 years.

Travel support for students and junior participants

deadline to apply was June 1, 2008

Affiliated Activities

A summer school in Analytic number theory and Diophantine approximation will take place at the University of Ottawa (Ontario, Canada) during the two weeks preceeding CNTA X, from June 30 to July 11, 2008. Interested graduate students and young researchers are invited to apply for funding. More details are available on the web page of the conference:

Conference Coordinator: gensci(PUT_AT_SIGN_HERE)

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