February 11, 2025

July 10-14, 2006
Symmetry and Spaces;
A Conference on the Occasion of Gerry Schwarz's 60th Birthday
at The Fields Institute, Toronto

Organizing Committee:
Eddy Campbell (Memorial)
Aloysius Helminck (North Carolina State University)
Hanspeter Kraft (University of Basel, Switzerland)
David Wehlau (Queen's and RMC)
Please register to attend on site
Registration fee: $50, $25 for students/PDF
Invited Speakers U of T Summer Residences
Confirmed participants Visitor Resources Housing Options
Audio and Slides

This meeting is held to honour the career of Dr. Gerald W. Schwarz of Brandeis University on the occasion of the year of his 60th birthday. The theme of the workshop is Algebraic Group Actions and Geometry including: Reductive Group Actions, Classical and Modern Invariant Theory, Linearization, G-Invariant Differential Operators and Symmetric Varieties. In addition to the talks there will be plenty of time set aside for discussion.

Format: 2 morning talks and 1 afternoon talk. (Wed afternoon is free)

2 talks each morning and 1 in the afternoon (except Wednesday). All talks are 50 minutes.


9:30 a.m. Christine Riedtmann, Universität Bern
11:00 a.m. Nolan Wallach, University of California, San Diego
2:00 p.m. Hanspeter Kraft, Universität Basel
First Fundamental Theorems revisited
9:30 a.m. Gene Freudenberg, University of Southern Indiana
11:00 a.m. Friedrich Knop, Rutgers University
Construction of semisimple tensor categories
2:00 p.m. Bertram Kostant, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
9:30 a.m. .Jim Shank, University of Kent
11:00 a.m. Corrado DeConcini, Università di Roma "La Sapienza"
Some remarks on vector partition functions
9:30 a.m. David Wehlau, Queen's University & RMC
Separating Invariants
11:00 a.m. Peter Littelmann, Universität zu Köln
2:00 p.m. Peter Heinzner, Ruhr-Universität Bochum

9:30 a.m.

Abraham Broer, Université de Montréal
Modular reflection groups and the Dedekind different

11:00 a.m. Aloysius G. Helminck, North Carolina State University

2:00 p.m. Jerzy Weyman, Northeastern University

Invited Speakers:

Abraham Broer
Corrado DeConcini
Gene Freudenberg
Peter Heinzner
Friedrich Knop
Bertram Kostant
Peter Littelmann
Christine Riedtmann
James Shank
Thierry Vust
Nolan Wallach
Jerzy Weyman

Application for Student Travel Support (Deadline to apply was June 12)

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