February 11, 2025

Undergraduate Network Meeting

Richard Cerezo, University of Toronto Alumni
For questions

Faculty Advisors: Matheus Grasselli, James Colliander

The Fields Undergraduate Network (FUN) includes a series of mathematical talks aimed at undergraduates, and organized into a network involving the local universities. We will be stating with trial run of four events for next year with faculty members as consultants.

The Fields Undergraduate Network (FUN) organizes monthly meetings to explore different areas of mathematical research. The theme, as well as the host university will vary from month to month. All interested undergraduates are welcome to attend. We especially encourage participation by members of student math societies.

Date Event Location Contact
May 13-15, 2012 2012 IPSI
SmartData International Symposium
University of Toronto

FUN undergraduate and graduate students are invited to attend with complimentary registration, if interested contact Richard Cerezo

January 21-22, 2012 Seminars in Undergraduate
Mathematics in Montreal

University of Montreal
(affiliated with FUN)
Seminars in Undergraduate Mathematics
in Montreal Executive Team
December 10–12, 2011 CMS Winter Meeting Delta Chelsea Hotel,Toronto FUN Executive Team, CMS Student
November 26, 2011 Algebraic Geometry Conference Queen's University Brigitte Stepanov
Queen’s University Math Student Council
October 28-29, 2011 Risk Forum Meeting University of Toronto Anne Dranovski and Ekaterina Klyueva
September 24, 2011 Knot Theory University of Waterloo Edgar Bering and Ifaz Kabir
August 25, 2011 Fields-MITACS Summer
Undergraduate Research
Program -
roject Presentations
Fields Institute/Bahen Centre Fields-MITACS Summer
and Richard Cerezo, FUN
July 22, 2011 Discrete Mathematics Carleton University David Thomson, Michelle Kovesi,
and Richard Cerezo

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