2025 International Conference on Probabilistic, Combinatorial and Asymptotic Methods for the Analysis of Algorithms (AofA 2025)
Analysis of Algorithms (AofA) is a field at the boundary of computer science and mathematics. The goal is to obtain a precise understanding of the asymptotic, average-case characteristics of algorithms and data structures. A unifying theme is the use of probabilistic, combinatorial, and analytic methods. The objects to be studied include random branching processes, graphs, permutations, trees, and strings.
The area of Analysis of Algorithms is frequently traced to 27 July 1963, when Donald E. Knuth wrote "Notes on Open Addressing". His fundamental books, The Art of Computer Programming, established ties between areas of study that include discrete mathematics, combinatorics, probability theory, analytic number theory, asymptotic analysis, and complexity theory.
Thirty years after Knuth's pioneering paper, the first seminar entirely devoted to the Analysis of Algorithms was held at Dagstuhl, Germany, in 1993. Since 1993, several series of seminars related to the analysis of algorithms have been established. These take place on an annual schedule. The rich history of meetings in this research area can be seen at https://www.math.aau.at/AofA/meetings/ This is the 36th edition of the conference and just the second one in Canada (the 23rd AofA was in Montreal in 2012). The organizing committee has selected the Fields Institute as the best place in Canada to welcome these worldwide experts and showcase the Canadian research environment.
In this research area we aim at studying discrete objects that appear as data structures or algorithms (including graphs, networks, and so on) by mathematical methods, in particular by probabilistic, combinatorial and asymptotic methods. The topics include but are not limited to:
• Properties of large random data structures
• Probabilistic methods for the analysis of algorithms
• Combinatorial methods for the analysis of algorithms
• Analytic tools for the analysis of algorithms
• Average case analysis of classical or new algorithms
• Analytic and enumerative combinatorics
• Random trees and graphs
• Branching processes
• Stochastic processes in relation with random discrete structures
• Random walks
• Discrete probabilities
• Random generation of combinatorial structures
• Performance evaluation, and more.
We will encourage participation from students and early-career researchers – both domestic and international – and expect that the topics presented in this workshop will positively influence their future careers, both in terms of opening new scientific avenues and also providing them with exposure to top-level research and professors in these areas.