January 20, 2025

Workshop on Mathematical Methods of
Quantum Tomography

February 19-22, 2013

Fields Institute, 222 College St.,Toronto

Hubert de Guise (Lakehead)
Berthold-Georg Englert (National University of Singapore)
Zdenek Hradil (Palacky University)
Gerd Leuchs (Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light)
Luis L. Sanchez-Soto (
Complutense University Madrid)

The objective in quantum tomography is to reconstruct the density matrix of a quantum state using “probes” (theoretical or experimental). The density matrix is a generalization of the quantum state vector that evolves following the Schrödinger equation of quantum mechanics. The solution to problems in this field are also of interest beyond the immediate quantum tomographic community as they are essential for a better understanding of quantum information processes and the prospective construction of a quantum computer. The objective of the Workshop is to gather experts and students working in the development and applications of mathematical tools related to quantum tomography and related problems.

We hope to foster new insights and different perspectives through this Workshop where researchers from a variety of backgrounds and expertise can exchange ideas in the informal atmosphere of a workshop. In line with this objective, the workshop will schedule a few morning talks and a significant portion of the program will be reserved for discussion sessions.

Participants wishing to present a poster will be able to indicate so at the time of registration. Some students who present a poster may be invited to submit their results for peer reviewed publication in the Canadian Journal of Physics.

Some of the young participants supported by the
Julian Schwinger Foundation
Feb. 19
Feb. 20
Feb. 21
Feb. 22
On site registration
Morning Coffee
Morning Coffee
Morning Coffee
Berthold-Georg Englert
regions and
smallest credible
Jens Eisert
Progress on
quantum compressed sensing
Barry Sanders
Artificial-Intelligence Reinforcement Learning for Quantum Metrology with Adaptive Measurements
Alexander Lvovsky
3 ways to skin a cat: numerical approaches
in coherent-state quantum process tomography
Matthias Christandl
Reliable quantum
state tomography
Steve Flammia
The Sample Complexity of Tomography and
New Estimators for Compressed Sensing
Robin Blume-Kohout
Adaptive Gate-Set Tomography
Marcus Silva
Process tomography without preparation and measurement errors
Coffee Break
Coffee Break
Coffee Break
Coffee Break
Peter Turner
t-designs in quantum optics
Maria Chekhova
Polarization quantum tomography of macroscopic Bell states
Rafal Demkowicz-Dobrzanski
All you need is squeezing!
Optimal schemes for realistic quantum metrology
Andrei Klimov
Distribution of
quantum fluctuations in the macroscopic limit of N qubit systems
Guoyong Xiang
Experimental verification of an entangled state with finite data
Joshua Nunn
Optimal experiment design for quantum state tomography: Fair, precise, and minimal
Denis Sych
Informational completeness of continuous-variable measurements.
Lunch Break
Lunch Break
Lunch Break
Lunch Break
Agata Branczyk
Tobias Moroder
Detection of systematic errors in quantum tomography experiments
Marco Genovese
Quantum Tomography of
the POVM of PNR detectors: different methods
Alessandro Ferraro
Reconstructing the quantum state of oscillator networks with
a single qubit
Dimitri Mogilevtsev
Lane Hughston
Tomographic Measurements
Paolo Mataloni
of integrated waveguide
optical devices
Geza Toth
Permutationally Invariant Quantum Tomography and State Reconstruction
Tea Break
Tea Break
Tea Break
Lab Tour
Tea Break
Jaroslav Rehácek
A little bit different quantum state tomography
Karol Zyczkowski
Measurements on random
states and numerical shadow
Welcome Reception
Poster session
Workshop Dinner

List of Attendees

Full Name University/Affiliation
Arrazloa, Juan Miguel University of Waterloo
Arun, Arun Centre for Quantum Technologies, NUS
Björk, Gunnar KTH - Royal Institute of Technology
Blume-Kohout, Robin Los Alamos National Laboratory
Branczyk, Agata University of Toronto
Chekhova, Maria Max-Planck Institute for the Science of Light
Christandl, Matthias ETH Zürich
de Guise, Hubert Lakehead University
Delgado, Aldo Universidad de Concepción
Demkowicz-Dobrzanski, Rafal University of Warsaw
Di Matteo, Olivia Lakehead University
Dignam, Marc Queen's University
Eisert, Jens Freie Universität Berlin
Emerson, Joseph University of Waterloo
Englert, Berthold-Georg National University of Singapore
Ferraro, Alessandro University College London
Flammia, Steve University of Sydney
Fomins, Aleksejs ETH
Genovese, Marco INRIM
Gilchrist, Alexei Macquarie University
Gittsovich, Oleg Institute for Quantum Computing, University of Waterloo
Godoy, Sergio Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile
Goyeneche, Dardo Center for Optics and Photonics
Grassl, Markus National University of Singapore
Gross, David University of Freiburg
Hou, Zhibo University of Science and Technology of China
Hradil, Zdenek Palacký University
Hughston, Lane University College London
James, Daniel University of Toronto
Johnston, Nathaniel University of Waterloo
Kamandar, Mohsen Queen's University
Kimmel, Shelby MIT
Klimov, Andrei Guadalajara University
Kueng, Richard University of Freiburg
Leuchs, Gerd Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light
Lvovsky, Alexander University of Calgary
Magesan, Easwar Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Mahler, Dylan University of Toronto
Mataloni, Paolo Universitŕ degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza"
Mogilevtsev, Dmitri Universidade Federal do ABC
Mohammadi, Mohammadreza University of Toronto
Moroder, Tobias University of Siegen
Nunn, Joshua University of Oxford
Poon, Yiu Iowa State University
Quesada, Nicolás University of Toronto
Rapcan, Peter Institute of Physics, Slovak Academy of Sciences
Rehácek, Jaroslav Palacky University
Rozema, Lee University of Toronto
Sahota, Jaspreet University of Toronto
Salazar, Roberto University of Concepción
Sánchez-Soto, Luis L. Universidad Complutense
Sanders, Barry University of Calgary
Sanders, Yuval University of Waterloo
Schwemmer, Christian Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik
Sedlak, Michal Palacky University
Sengupta, Ritabrata IISER Mohali
Seyfarth, Ulrich TU Darmstadt
Shang, Jiangwei National University of Singapore
Shchesnovich, Valery University of ABC
Silva, Marcus Raytheon BBN Technologies
Sipe, John University of Toronto
Stoklasa, Bohumil Palacky University
Sugiyama, Takanori University of Tokyo
Sych, Denis Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light
Tanaka, Fuyuhiko University of Tokyo
Teo, Yong Siah Palacky University
Toth, Geza University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU
Turner, Peter University of Tokyo
Wallentowitz, Sascha Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile
Xiang, Guoyong University of Science & Technology of China
Zeng, Bei University of Guelph
Zhu, Huangjun Perimeter Institute
Ziman, Mario Institute of Physics SAS
Zyczkowski, Karol Jagiellonian University



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