January 24, 2025

May 14-19, 2012
Workshop on Recent Advances in General Topology, Dimension Theory, Continuum Theory and Dynamical Systems
     Hosted by Nipissing University, North Bay

Supported by

Organizing Committee

John C. Mayer (U. of Alabama Birmingham)
Alexandre Karasev (Nipissing)

Murat Tuncali (Nipissing)
Vesko Valov (Nipissing)

On line to May 6, on site May 14
Confirmed Speakers Confirmed Participants
Nipissing University Accommodation

The history of workshops at Nipissing can be found at . These workshops started in 1994, initially in areas of continuum theory and dynamical systems. Since 2003 they have become larger and the focus of the workshops has been General Topology, Geometric Topology and related areas. The purpose of these workshops/seminars has been mainly to provide opportunity to researchers to learn a new area as well as opportunity to collaborate. As a result of these workshops there have been numerous collaborations dealing with problems in dimension theory, geometric topology, C*-algebras, set-theoretic topology,
continuum theory and complex dynamics.


The workshops will take place over five days. There will be three or four one-hour talks each day. Some of the speakers will give a series of lectures and some may give only one lecture. The format of the workshops is designed to maximize the interaction among the participants beyond the lectures. In addition, we plan to have a 1-hour question-and-answer meeting for junior researchers and students with the day’s speakers each afternoon. This has been a very successful part of previous workshops, appreciated by the students and young researchers for the opportunity to ask questions in a less formal setting.

Scientific focus

In these workshops, the focus will be on general topology, continuum theory, dimension theory and dynamical systems. Over the last decade, the interactions among analysis, general topology, dimension theory, continuum theory and dynamical systems have increased. For instance there has been significant progress made in understanding the structure of plane continua. Solution of Lelek’s problem on Span by Logan Hoehn, the work of Overstegeen and Tymchatyn on the extending isotopies of plane continua are some of the examples. In addition, the progress in the study of Julia sets motivated the study of continua in the plane. Recent work on buried points of plane continua by two of the organizers and others is a good example. Furthermore, there has been progress in the study of homogenous compact spaces, in the study of maps of compact spaces with various dimension theoretic properties, and, where these topics intersect with analysis, topological groups. In these workshops, the focus will be in the interaction among
continuum theory, dimension theory, general topology and dynamical systems. A list of possible topics include:

• Continua in the plane
• Complex dynamics and complex topology
• Topological models for Julia sets of rational and entire maps
• Buried points of continua in the plane and their topological and measure-theoretic
• Tiling Spaces
• Euclidean Manifolds and Homogeneous Spaces
• Topological groups
• Spaces of continuous maps of manifolds
• Dimension theory and extension theory
• Infinite dimensional topology

Confirmed Speakers:

Sergey Antonyan, UNAM, Mexico
Taras Banakh, Ivan Franko Lviv National University, Ukraine
Logan Hoehn, U. of Alabama- Birmingham
Jan van Mill, VU-Amsterdam
Piotr Minc, Auburn University
Lex Oversteegen, U. of Alabama-Birmingham
Juris Steprans, York University
E.D. Tymchatyn, U. of Saskatchewan

Confirmed Participants as of May 19, 2012

Full Name University/Affiliation
Antonyan, Natella Tecnológico de Monterrey CCM
Antonyan, Sergey UNAM
Banakh, Taras Ivan Franko National University of L'viv
Barry, Brandon University of Alabama at Birmingham
Brazas, Jeremy University of New Hampshire
Burdick, Bruce Roger Williams University
Curry, Clinton Huntingdon College
Das, Manav University of Louisville
De Silva, Nadeeka Texas Tech University
Eslami, Peyman Concordia University
Gould, Frank Central Connecticut State University
Hart, Joan University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
Hoehn, Logan University of Alabama at Birmingham
Karasev, Alexandre Nipissing University
Kibedi, Francisco York University
Kovan-Bakan, Merve University of Pittsburgh
Martinez de la Vega, Veronica Universidad Nacional Autonoma de México
May, Natasha York University
Mayer, John C. University of Alabama at Birmingham
Minc, Piotr Auburn University
Oversteegen, Lex University of Alabama at Birmingham
Ptacek, Ross University of Alabama at Birmingham
Singh, Mahender Institute of Mathematical Sciences
Steprans, Juris York University
Sturm, Frank Auburn University
Tuncali, Murat Nipissing University
Tymchatyn, Edward University of Saskatchewan
Valov, Vesko Nipissing University
van Mill, Jan Vrije Universiteit
Wu, Enxin University of Western Ontario

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