October 14-16, 2011
Workshop on Category Theoretic Methods in Representation Theory
University of Ottawa
All talks will take place in room B005 of KED 585,
located at 585
King Edward Avenue.
Alexander Hoffnung, Alistair Savage
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Ottawa

The term 'categorification' refers to replacing algebraic objects such as sets,
rings, and algebras, with categories. The original algebraic structure is then
recovered by passing to isomorphism classes. Interesting categorifications provide
new structure and interesting connections between apparently disparate mathematical
While many developments in the history of mathematics can be interpreted
in terms of categorification, community consensus traces the initiation of
a formal program of study to the 1994 paper of Crane and Frenkel proposing
the existence of categorified quantum groups as fundamental objects in the
study of 4-dimensional topological quantum field theories. Since then, researchers
have enjoyed great success and a wide array of applications from the study
of categorified structures.
Recently, building on geometric results, category theory has offered its
own transformative results to the study of representation theory. For example,
the application of the diagramatic theory of monoidal categories and adjoint
functors to the study of quantum groups by Khovanov and Lauda has produced
the conjectured categorified quantum groups of Crane and Frenkel (also obtained
by Rouquier algebraically). Other fundamental representation theoretic objects
such as Weyl groups, Hecke algebras, and the Heisenberg algebra have also
been categorified. The applications of this work have had immediate impact
across representation theory and mathematical physics.
There is some funding available for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows.
Those interested should complete the funding application by clicking on the
link above. The deadline for applying for support is September 1, 2011.
All talks will take place in room B005 of KED 585, located at 585
King Edward Avenue. Registration and coffee breaks will take place in
room 104.
REGISTERED ATTENDEES as of October 24, 2011
Full Name |
University/Affiliation |
Arkhipov, Sergey |
University of Toronto |
Biland, Erwin |
Université Laval |
Bischof, Bryan |
Kansas State University |
Calmès, Baptiste |
Université d'Artois |
Cautis, Sabin |
Columbia University |
Chen, Hongjia |
Wilfrid Laurier University |
Chen, Xueqing |
University of Wisconsin-Whitewater |
Dancso, Zsuzsanna |
Institute for Advanced Study |
Dimitrov, Ivan |
Queen's University |
Dolan, James |
Dlab, Vlasta |
Carleton University |
Egger, Jeff |
Elias, Benjamin |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Fischer, Aron |
CUNY Graduate Centre |
Fontaine, Bruce |
University of Toronto |
Halacheva, Iva |
University of Toronto |
Hannigan-Daley, Brad |
University of Toronto |
Hoffnung, Alexander |
University of Ottawa |
Huard, Francois |
Bishop's University |
Kamnitzer, Joel |
University of Toronto |
Klein, Florian |
University of Oxford |
Lauda, Aaron |
University of Southern California |
Lemay, Joel |
University of Ottawa |
Li, Travis Songhao |
University of Toronto |
Licata, Anthony |
Institute for Advanced Study |
Mackaay, Marco |
Universidade do Algarve |
Majard, Dany |
Kansas State University |
Malagón-López, José |
University of Ottawa |
Mazorchuk, Volodymyr |
University of Uppsala |
McCurdy, Micah |
Saint Mary's University |
McGerty, Kevin |
Imperial College London |
Mirmohades, Djalal |
Uppsala University |
Morgan, Stephen |
University of Toronto |
Morrison, Scott |
University of California, Berkeley |
Morton, Jeffrey |
Instituto Superior Tecnico |
Nilsson, Jonathan |
Uppsala University |
Pospichal, Tomas |
Carleton University |
Putyra, Krzysztof |
Columbia University |
Rouquier, Raphaël |
University of Oxford |
Rowe, Daniel |
University of Toronto |
Salmasian, Hadi |
University of Ottawa |
Savage, Alistair |
University of Ottawa |
Thind, Jaimal |
University of Toronto |
Treumann, David |
Northwestern University |
Vaz, Pedro |
University of Zurich and IST Lisbon |
Wagner, Emmanuel |
Université de Bourgogne |
Webster, Ben |
Northeastern University |
Williamson, Geordie |
University of Oxford |
Wu, Enxin |
University of Western Ontario |
Yacobi, Oded |
University of Toronto |
Zainoulline, Kirill |
University of Ottawa |
Zhang, Lucy Liuxuan |
University of Toronto |
Zhong, Changlong |
University of Ottawa |
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