January 25, 2025
Ontario Combinatorics Workshop
Friday-Saturday, May 18-19, 2012
Hosted by the Fields Institute,
at the Bahen Centre, Room 1220, University of Toronto (map)
Organizing Committee:
Peter Danziger (Ryerson), Chris Godsil (Waterloo),
Daniel Panario (Carleton), Bruce Richter (Waterloo),
Brett Stevens (Carleton), Claude Tardif (RMC)


The Ontario Combinatorics Workshop has a long, if somewhat irregular, history. Its main purpose is to bring together graduate students studying Combinatorics from around (southern) Ontario so that they get some idea of the scope and depth of their subject. In addition it provides students with an opportunity to meet faculty from other institutions at which they might in future wish to pursue their studies or careers; it is also a useful opportunity for the faculty to maintain contact.

This year the workshop will be held at the Fields Institute on Friday-Saturday May 18-19, 2012. The invited speakers are:

Jan Foniok (Queen's University and Swiss National Science Foundation Research Fellow)
Homomorphism Dualities

Zoltan Furedi
(Renyi Institute of Mathematics, Hungary)
Huge Superimposed codes

Mateja Sajna
Cycle Systems: A Neverending Fascination

All talks will take place in Bahen Centre, Room 1220, directly north of the Fields Institute. See map of the campus

Travel support

There is a limited amont of travel support for students and PDF. Students requiring travel support please contact both brett<at>math.carleton.ca and Claude.Tardif<at>rmc.ca

Contributed talks

Graduate students are strongly encouraged to present their work in this friendly environment. The Peter Rodney Memorial Bookprize will be presented to the graduate student judged to have given the best talk.

Please send your titles and abstracts to both brett<at>math.carleton.ca and Claude.Tardif<at>rmc.ca

Draft Schedule

Friday, May 18 Bahen Centre, Room 1220, University of Toronto (map)
8:45-9:00 Onsite Registration and Morning Coffee
9:15-9:30 Opening Remarks
9:30-10:30 Jan Foniok (Queen's University and Swiss National Science Foundation Research Fellow)
Homomorphism Dualities
10:30-11:00 Coffee Break
11:00-11:30 Yoshio Sano (National Institute of Informatics (NII) )
Fat Hoffman graphs with smallest eigenvalue at least ..1 ..π
11:30-12:00 Xiaoxia (Fiona) Fan, University of Waterloo.
Quantum State Transfer on Double Star Graphs
12:00-12:30 Natalie Mullin, University of Waterloo
Uniform Mixing and Association Schemes
12:30-14:00 Lunch Break
14:00-15:00 Zoltan Furedi (Renyi Institute of Mathematics)
Huge Superimposed codes
15:00-15:30 Avery Miller
Thick Cover-Free Families with Applications to Wireless Radio Networks
15:30-16:00 Coffee Break
16:00-16:30 Nevena Francetic, University of Toronto
Covering Arrays with Row Limit: bounds and constructions
16:30-17:00 David Roberson, University of Waterloo
Cores of Vertex Transitive Graphs
Saturday, May 19
9:00-9:20 Morning Coffee
9:20-9:30 Opening Remarks
9:30-10:30 Mateja Sajna (University of Ottawa)
Cycle Systems: A Neverending Fascination
10:30-11:00 Coffee Break
11:00-11:30 Andrea Burgess (Ryerson University)
Near-factorizations of the complete graph
11:30-12:00 Jihyeon Jessie Yang (University of Toronto)
Parameter space of curves constructed from a polygon
12:00- 12:30 Majid Karimi (Brock University)
Graph Powers and Graph Roots
12:30-14:00 Lunch Break
14:30-15:00 Problem Session
15:00-15:30 Peter Rodney Memorial Bookprize