January 20, 2025

September 4-7, 2007
to be held at the Fields Institute

Organizing Committee:
Saroja Polavarapu and Theodore Shepherd
Physics, University of Toronto

Mailing List : To receive updates on mathematical activities at Fields please subscribe to our mailing list at

The goal of this workshop is to motivate and better understand data assimilation through the science of the middle atmosphere. Data assimilation requires a knowledge of measurement and model errors which, in turn, require knowledge of the true underlying system- the middle atmosphere. Therefore, advancement of assimilation techniques requires interaction of assimilators with dynamicists, chemists and users of assimilation products. Thus, this workshop aims to bring these various groups together.

Scientific Program

The goals of SPARC workshops are:
1) to gather experts and summarize the state of the art in a particular area,
2) to identify outstanding issues,
3) to organize activities under the SPARC umbrella to address outstanding issues,
4) to report on progress in these activities to the SPARC Scientific Steering Group (SSG),
5) to provide advice or recommendations to the SPARC SSG, if necessary.

In order to achieve these goals, it is necessary and important to schedule discussions during the program. It is hoped that all participants will not only attend but actively participate in these discussions. Additionally, all oral presentations should allow for 5-10 minutes of questions and discussion.
Posters will be shown during the Workshop. There will be a number of long coffee breaks and lunches to ensure sufficient time to visit posters and talk to the authors.

Experts will be invited to speak on issues of assimilated products and help focus discussions in these areas:

• International Polar Year (IPY): Gloria Manney
• Stratosphere-Troposphere coupling: Mark Baldwin, Adam Scaife
• the Mesosphere: Charles McLandress

Housing and Hotels

We have reserved a limited number of rooms at the following hotel:

Holiday Inn Toronto Midtown (10-15 minutes walk from the Institute)
280 Bloor Street West, Toronto, ON, M5S 1V8
Tel: (416) 968-0010
Fax: (416) 968-7765
Toll Free:1-800-465-4329

Booking Procedure: Participants to book and pay own charges. Rooms on block will be held until August 3, 2007. Please use the ACCOMMODATION RESERVATION REQUEST FORM to book your accommodation before August 3.
Reservation requested beyond August 3rd will be subject to availability.
Credit cards accepted: American Express, MasterCard, Visa, Diner's Club, and Discover® Card- Valid ID required
Single : $124.99 Double : $134.99

Other housing resources include the Fields housing resource page.

Financial Support

A small amount of funds are available to cover travel expenses for students, post-docs or researchers from developing nations. To request financial assistance, please contact the SPARC office. The deadline for applying for financial support was June 1, 2007.

Participant List

Fullname University/Affiliation
Auroux, Didier University of Toulouse
Bacak, Asan University of Waterloo
Baier, Frank German Aerospace Center
Baldwin, Mark Northwest Research Associates
Batchelor, Rebecca University of Toronto
Beagley, Stephen York University /MSc Downsview
Benson, Craig UMBC
Chen, Zeyu Chinese Academy of Sciences
Cho, Young-Min York University
Chshyolkova, Tatyana University of Saskatchewan
Collins, Richard University of Alaska Fairbanks
Conway, Stephanie York University
de Grandpre, Jean Environment Canada
Errico, Ronald UMBC
Farahani, Elli University of Toronto
Fletcher, Christopher University of Toronto
Fraser, Annemarie University of Toronto
Hakami, Amir Carleton University
Hardiman, Steven University of Toronto
Harvey, V. Lynn University of Colorado
Hegglin, Michaela University of Toronto
Hoppel, Karl Naval Research Laboratory
Iudin, Margarita York University
Jin, Jianjun York University
Keil, Mike Met Office
Keller, Martin University of Hamburg
Kerzenmacher, Tobias University of Toronto
Körnich, Heiner University of Stockholm
Li, Chong-Yin Chinese Academy of Sciences
Lieberman, Ruth Northwest Research Associates, Inc.
Manney, Gloria Jet Propulsion Laboratory & NM Tech University
McFarlane, Norman SPARC IPO
McLandress, Charles University of Toronto
Menard, Richard Environment Canada
Neef, Lisa KNMI
Nezlin, Yulia University of Toronto
Ngan, Keith McGill University
Parrington, Mark University of Toronto
Pendlebury, Diane University of Toronto
Polavarapu, Saroja Environment Canada
Ren, Shuzhan University of Toronto
Reszka, Matt Environment Canada
Robichaud, Alain Environment Canada
Rochon, Yves J. Environment Canada
Scaife, Adam Met Office
Schwinger, Jörg University of Cologne
Shepherd, Theodore G. University of Toronto
Sloan, James University of Waterloo
Strong, Kimberly University of Toronto
Toohey, Matt University of Toronto
Walker, Kalley University of Toronto
Wang, Ding Yi University of New Brunswick
Wang, Lei University ofToronto
Ward, William University of New Brunswick
Wargan, Kris GSFC, SAIC
Wolff, Mareile University of Toronto
Yudin, Valery NCAR




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