February 11, 2025

May 31 - June 2, 2007

Lattices and Trajectories:
A Symposium of Mathematical Chemistry in honour of
Ray Kapral and Stu Whittington

Fields Institute, Toronto

Organizing Committee:
Jeremy Schofield (Chemistry, UToronto)
John Valleau (Chemistry, UToronto)
Robbie Grunwald (Chemistry, UToronto)
Gary Iliev (Chemistry, UToronto)
Maria Sabaye Moghaddam (Biochemistry, UToronto)

The Connaught Fund

This symposium will celebrate the outstanding scientific work and stellar academic careers of Ray Kapral and Stu Whittington at the University of Toronto on the occasion of their 65th birthdays. To this end, the symposium will draw together a number of leading researchers from an international community in Chemical Physics to discuss recent developments in the fields to which the honorees have contributed so meaningfully.


Knots and Polymers
Random Spatial Processes
Mixed Quantum-Classical Dynamics
Nonlinear Systems and Pattern Formation

Current List of Invited Speakers

Richard Brak, University of Melbourne
Giovanni Ciccotti
, Rome
Hugues Chaté, Saclay
David Coker, Boston University
Tony Guttmann, University of Melbourne
Frank den Hollander, University of Leiden & EURANDOM
J.T. Hynes, University of Colorado and Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris
Neal Madras, York University
Gregoire Nicolis, Brussels
Gian-Luca Oppo, Strathclyde
Enzo Orlandini, Universita degli Studi di Padova
Buks van Rensburg
, York University
Ken Showalter, West Virginia
Christine Soteros, University of Saskatchewan
De Witt Sumners, Florida State


  Invited Talks
  Contributed Talks
Thursday, May 31
Friday, June 1
Saturday, June 2
Session Chair:
Glenn Torrie

Session Chair:
Ken Millett
9:00 – 10:20 Registration 9-9:40 Hugues Chaté - Collective properties of active polar and nematic particles 9-9:40 Neal Madras - Polymers on hyperbolic lattices
10:20-10:30 Opening Remarks 9:45-10:25 De Witt Sumners - Random thoughts about random knotting 9:45-10:25 Gregoire Nicolis - Nonlinear dynamics and self-organization in the presence of metastable phases
Session Chair:
John Valleau
10:30-10:45 Break 10:30-10:45 Break
Session Chair:
David Gaunt
Session Chair:
Gary Iliev
10:30-11:15 Tony Guttmann - Role of conformational entropy in force-induced bio-polymer unfolding 10:45-11 Steve Nielsen - Quantifying the surfactant coverage of nanoparticles by molecular dynamics simulation: the physisorbed versus chemisorbed
10:45-11 Leon Glass - Predicting and preventing sudden cardiac death
11:20-12:05 Giovanni Ciccotti - Minimum free energy paths and isocommittor surfaces 11:05-11:45 E J Janse van Rensburg - Knotted lattice polygons 11:05-11:45 Enzo Orlandini - Directed walk models of polmers stretched by a force
12:05-2:00 Lunch 11:50-12:05 Tom Shiokawa - Non-Markovian dynamics and quantum Brownian motion 11:50-12:05 Jennifer Lee - Collapse transition in the presence of an applied force
Session Chair:
Ed Celarier
2:00-2:15 Garnet Ord - Counting oriented rectangles and the propogation of waves 12:05-2:30 Lunch 12:05-2:30 Lunch
Session Chair:
Steve Carnie

Session Chair:
Ramses Van Zon
2:20-3:00 Chris Soteros - Random copolymer models 2:30-3:10 Kenneth Showalter Spatio-temporal dynamics of networks of excitable nodes 2:30-3:10 J T Hynes - Solvation and photochemical funnels: Environmental effects on conical intersection structure and dynamics
3:05-3:20 Antonio Politi - Chaos without exponential instability 3:15-3:30 Charles Wu - Ion dynamics in non-perfect quadrupole traps 3:15-3:30 Royce Zia - Percolation of a collection of finite random walks: A model for gas permeation through thin polymeric membranes
3:20-3:35 Break 3:35-4:05 Richard Brak - Directed path models of certain polymer phase transitions 3:30-3:45 Break
Session Chair:
Rob Grunwald

Session Chair:
Jeremy Schofield
3:35-3:50 Rashmi Desai - Epitaxial Growth in coherent, strained, asymmetric alloy films 4:05-4:20 Break 3:45-4:00 Katrin Rohlf - From excitable media on the large scale to reaction-diffusion mechanisms on the small scale

Session Chair:
Simon Fraser
3:55-4:35 Gian-Luca OppoSpatio-temporal Structures in photonics and chemistry 4:25-4:40 Andrew RechnitzerMean unknotting times of random knots and embeddings 4:05-4:20 Aleks Owczarek - Polymers in a slab with attractive walls: Scaling and numerical results.
4:40– 5:00 Jörn Davidsen - Filament induced surface spiral turbulence 4:45-5:30 David Coker - Modeling electronic and vibrational pure dephasing and dissipation dynamics in condensed phase systems 4:25-5:10 Frank Den Hollander - Copolymers in emulsions
5:15 – 6:30 Reception 6:30 – 8:00 Concert at Hart House with
Catherine Manoukian
6:30 - Banquet


Participant List as of June 2, 2007

Fullname University Name
Alvarez, Juan University of Saskatchewan
Arbuckle, Susan M. University of Toronto
Brak, Richard The University of Melbourne
Carnie, Steven University of Melbourne
Celarier, Edward NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Chaté, Hugues CEA
Ciccotti, Giovanni Universitŕ degli Studi di Roma-"La Sapienza"
Coker, David Boston University
Davidsen, Jörn University of Calgary
Davoudi, Jahanshah University of Toronto
den Hollander, Frank Universiteit Leiden
Desai, Rashmi University of Toronto
Diao, Yuanan University of North Carolina - Charlotte
Fraser, Simon University of Toronto
Gaunt, David King's College London
Glass, Leon McGill University
Grassberger, Peter University of Calgary
Gruner, Daniel University of Toronto
Grunwald, Robert University of Toronto
Guttmann, Tony University of Melbourne
Hanna, Gabriel University of Michigan
Hernandez de la Pena, Lisandro Concordia University
Hynes, James Ecole Normale Superieure
Iliev, Gerasim University of Toronto
James, Edna Algoma University College
Kapral, Maureen University of Toronto
Kapral, Raymond E. University of Toronto
Kelly, Aaron University of Toronto
Lawniczak, Anna T. University of Guelph
Lee, Jennifer University of Toronto
Levere, Trevor University of Toronto
Madras, Neal York University
Martin-Nielsen, Richard Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada
Millett, Kenneth University of California, Santa Barbara
Nicolis, Grégoire Université Libre de Bruxelles
Nielsen, Steven University of Texas at Dallas
Oppo, Gian-Luca University of Strathclyde
Opps, Sheldon University of Prince Edward Island
Ord, Garnet Ryerson University
Orlandini, Enzo Universita degli Studi di Padova
Owczarek, Aleksander University of Melbourne
Plyukhin, Alex University of Saskatchewan
Politi, Antonio CNR
Rechnitzer, Andrew University of British Columbia
Rohlf, Katrin Ryerson University
Sabaye Moghaddam, Maria University of Toronto
Schofield, Jeremy University of Toronto
Sharma, Bhanu Pratap ILAS
Shiokawa, Tom National Center for Theoretical Sciences
Showalter, Kenneth West Virginia University
Snider, Neil Northwestern University
Soteros, Christine University of Saskatchewan
Sumners, De Witt Florida State University
Tesi, Maria Carla University of Bologna
Torrie, Glenn Royal Military College
Valleau, John University of Toronto
van Rensburg, E. J. Janse York University
Van Zon, Ramses University of Toronto
Whittington, Stuart University of Toronto
Wu, Xiao-Guang Revionics, Inc.
Zia, Royce Virginia Tech

Travel Support for PDF and students

There is limited support to assist PDF and students with travel expenses. Deadline to apply was April 1, 2007.

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