September  8, 2024

Quantum Information and Quantum Control Conference
July 19- 23, 2004

To be held at the Fields Institute and The University of Toronto


Prof.'s Paul Brumer, Daniel Lidar,
Hoi-Kwong Lo, Aephraim Steinberg (University of Toronto)
Supported by

The Connaught Fund


Quantum information (QI) and Quantum Control (QC) are both hot topics with promising, yet mostly unexplored overlap. This conference will bring together physicists, chemists, computer scientists, and mathematicians to discuss the current status of the two fields and present important recent developments. Despite substantial progress in the last few years, there are also very many open questions and fundamental issues to be understood. An important goal of the conference is to explore the overlap between QI and QC, and for the first time provide a venue for communication between the two communities.


All the keynote and invited talks talks will be held in Room 1130 of the Bahen Center for Information Technology (BA1130), located immediately behind the Fields Institute. (Map)
The contributed talks will be held in BA1130, BA1170 and Room 230 of The Fields Institute, as indicated next to the talk listings on the schedule.

List of Session Chairs and Invited Speakers

Robert Alicki
Dave Bacon
Thomas Baumert
Charles Bennett
Gilles Brassard
Phil Bucksbaum
Richard Cleve
Claude Crepeau
Mark Dykman
David DiVincenzo
Robert Gordon
Daniel Gottesman
Bruce Kane
Manny Knill
Ronnie Kosloff

Gershon Kurizki
Christian Kurtsiefer
Raymond Laflamme
Norbert Lutkenhaus
Hideo Mabuchi
David Meyer
Ari Mizel
Chris Monroe
Mike Mosca
Herschel Rabitz
Stuart Rice
Vwani Roychowdhury
Marlan Scully
Peter Shor
Lorenza Viola

Themes and Structure

Day 1: Quantum Computation and Information
Chairs: Peter Shor (theory) , Chris Monroe (experiment)

Day 2: Quantum Cryptography
Chairs: Mike Mosca (theory), Richard Hughes (experiment)

Day 3: Quantum Control
Chairs: David Tannor (theory), Robert Gordon (experiment)

Day 4: Quantum Error Correction
Chairs: Dave Bacon (theory), Lorenza Viola (experiment)

Day 5: will feature one invited talk from each theme, and a concluding keynote talk.

Each of the themes in Days 1-2 will feature one keynote talk, 5 invited talks, 6 contributed talks, and a poster session. Each theme will be chaired by one theoretician and one experimentalist. Day 3 will have one keynote, 5 invited and 12 contributed talks, and a poster session. Day 4 will be the same as Day 3 with no poster session.

A keynote talk will be 50min, an invited talk 40min, and contributed talks 20min, including time for questions. The session chairs will each have 15min for their comments about their session's theme.

If submitting a contributed talks please indicate which day/session you would like to speak and whether your talk is theoretical or experimental.


The full schedule for the conference is available here.

Mailing List

To receive updates on activities at Fields please subscribe to our mailing list at


The fees (in Canadian dollars) was as follows:

Faculty: $250
Postdoctoral Fellows: $125
Students: $75
Invited Speakers: no fee
Session Chairs: no fee

**Registration for the conference is limited to 160, and all spaces are currently full.

Affiliated Activity

June 21 - 25, 2004
The Fourth Canadian Summer School on Quantum Information

To be held in Waterloo,
hosted by the Institute for Quantum Computing and the University of Waterloo.

July 12-16, 2004
Workshop on Reference Frames and Superselection Rules in Quantum Information Theory

Perimeter Institute, Waterloo, Ontario

Monday, July 19, 2004, 1:45-2:45 p.m.
ECE Dept. Distinguished Lecturer series
Peter Shor, MIT

Tuesday, July 20, 2004, 1:45-2:45 p.m.
ECE Dept. Distinguished Lecturer series
Charles Bennett, IBM

Friday, July 23rd
Special Physics Colloquium

Gilles Brassard, Université de Montréal
Quantum Foundations in the Light of Quantum Information

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