February 11, 2025

April 30 - May 1, 2005

Sponsoring Institutions:

2005 Great Lakes Geometry Conference
at Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics

Scientific Committee:
Ronald Fintushel
, Robert Myers, Yongbin Ruan

Organizing Committee:
Hans U. Boden
, Finnur Lárusson, B. Doug Park, Mainak Poddar

Perimeter Conference Coordinator:
Jessica Harrison

Mailing List
To receive updates on Fields sponsored activities please subscribe to our mailing list at:


Michael Anderson, State University of New York at Stony Brook
Kai Behrend, University of British Columbia
John Etnyre, University of Pennsylvania
Tatyana Foth, University of Western Ontario
Sergei Gukov, Clay Mathematics Institute
Francois Lalonde, Universite de Montreal
John Lott, University of Michigan
Eckhard Meinrenken, University of Toronto
Andras Stipsicz, Alfred Renyi Institute of Mathematics



The conference banquet will be held from 6 to 8 pm at the Perimeter Institute April 30. Tickets may be purchased when registering.

Live Classical Music Concert by The Perimeter Ensemble (after the Conference banquet)

**Tickets may be purchased when registering.**

Host: Tom Allen of CBC Radio
Venue: Perimeter Institute
Time : 8 pm, April 30, 2005
Summary: CBC radio host and storyteller Tom Allen weaves tales of intrigue and discovery with great works of chamber music in this multi-media presentation.
The Mechanics of Art 1764 - 1883
Bach's lost son, Mozart's interrogator, Haydn's business agent, Beethoven's huckster, Chopin cross-dressing rogue and Liszt's mechanical marvel - Machinery, the suspension of disbelief and the birth of the piano.
Programme: Music by JC Bach, Mozart, Haydn, Beethoven, Chopin and Liszt.
The Perimeter Ensemble is a collective of some of the best free-lance local and Canadian musicians. The entire program is live music complemented by some visuals (slides and possibly video) to accompany the Tom Allen narrative. This is primarily a concert, the music is the main component of the programme.


Saturday, April 30th
Pick-up at Fields at 7:30am, arrive at PI at 9:00am
Depart PI at 5:15pm, arrive at Fields at 6:45pm

Sunday, May 1st
Pick-up at Fields at 7:30am, arrive at PI at 9:00am
Depart PI at 4:30pm, arrive at Fields at 6:00pm

Fields Institute's Workshop on Gravitational Aspects of String Theory, May 2-6, 2005

Previous Years' Speakers at GLGC

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