February 11, 2025

Undergraduate Network Meeting
October 23, 2010
Bahen Building Room BA 1190, UToronto (map)

Organizers: Richard Cerezo, (mu(at)math.toronto.edu) and Sergio Da Silva, (sergio.dasilva(at)utoronto.ca)
Faculty Advisor: Matthias Neufang

Confirmed Speakers: Boris Khesin (Toronto), Spyros Alexakis (Toronto), Maung Min-Oo (McMaster), Deping Ye (Fields)

Next meeting dates November 27, location TBA

Undergraduate Network includes a series of mathematical talks aimed at undergraduates, and organized into a network involving the local universities. We will be stating with trial run of four events for next year with faculty members as consultants.


10:00 a.m. Introduction: Matthias Neufang
Deping Ye, Fields Institute
Invitation to Geometry of Convexity and Quantum States in High Dimension

11:00 a.m. Break

11:15 a.m. Spyros Alexakis, University of Toronto
Minimal surfaces in hyperbolic 3-space and renormalized area
12:00 p.m. Lunch

1:00 p.m. Boris Khesin, University of Toronto
Nondegenerate curves and the Kortweg-de Vries equation

1:45 p.m. Break

2:15 p.m. Maung Min-Oo, McMaster University
The Sign of Curvature

3:00 p.m. Panel Discussion


Deping Ye, Fields Institute
Invitation to Geometry of Convexity and Quantum States in High Dimension

Spyros Alexakis, University of Toronto
Minimal surfaces in hyperbolic 3-space and renormalized area

Boris Khesin, University of Toronto
Nondegenerate curves and the Kortweg-de Vries equation
A plane curve is called nondegenerate if it has no inflection points. How many classes of closed nondegenerate curves exist on a sphere? We are going to see how this geometric problem, solved in 1970, reappeared along with its generalizations in the context of the Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) equation. We will also discuss how the KdV equation can be viewed as the geodesic flow on an infinite-dimensional group.

Maung Min-Oo, McMaster University
The Sign of Curvature
In this talk I will first introduce the notion of curvature, the most fundamental invariant in Geometry. I will describe the three main types of curvatures that Riemannian geometers use: sectional, Ricci and scalar. The main theme of the talk is then to explore the significance of the sign of curvature. The message is that imposing conditions on the curvature has global topological implications. I will begin with a selected survey of some classical results. I will then give a rough indication of the basic ideas and techniques used to establish these results. I will end my talk with a few open problems that I find interesting.

List of Confirmed Participants as of October 23, 2010

Full Name University/Affiliation
Aftab, Umar University of Waterloo
Cerezo, Richard University of Toronto
Charlesworth, Ian University of Waterloo
Chi, Hanci University of Waterloo
Chow, Kevin University of Waterloo
Cousins, Gregory McMaster University
da Silva, Sergio University of Toronto
Dranovski, Anne University of Toronto
Fan, Wei University of Toronto
Gerlings, Adam McMaster University
Giannone, Elicia University of Toronto
Ginsberg, Dan University of Toronto
Gold, Nathan York University
Grajo, Ramon University of Toronto
Han, Changho University of Toronto
Jami, Rafshan University of Toronto
Jung, Juno University of Waterloo
Kabir, Ifaz University of Waterloo
Lee, Seung-Jae University of Toronto
Letang, Kelsey University of Toronto
Li, Qian University of Toronto
McLaughlin, David University of Waterloo
Milcak, Juraj University of Toronto
Neymanov, Tural University of Toronto
Park, Sang Hee University of Toronto
Pistone, Jamie University of Toronto
Rush, Stephen University of Guelph
Shehata, Abdul McMaster University
Song, Danhua University of Waterloo
Sourisseau, Matt University of Toronto
Sun, Sarah University of Waterloo
Tour, Dennis McMaster University
Walton, Laura McMaster University
Yalcinkaya, Eyup McMaster University
Yee, Yohan McMaster University
Yin, Charles McMaster University
Zhang, Hanyu University of Waterloo
Zhu, Ren University of Waterloo

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