February 16, 2025

3C Risk Forum
The First 3-C Risk Forum & 2011 International Conference on Engineering and Risk Management (ERM)

October 28–30, 2011
RiskLab Global

hosted by the Fields Institute, Map to Fields
222 College Street, Toronto

Fields Institute

Professional Risk Managers’
International Association

Risk scientists will gather in Toronto to disseminate recent advances on all things risk. From the keynotes to the sessions to the Roundtable discussions, 3-C (3 country Canada, China and USA) Risk Forum offers a unique opportunity for constructive discussions on pressing issues and research work publication in risk management. The conference includes a policy forum (one-day) and a scientific program (two-day).

Policy Forum, 3-C Risk Forum (October 28/29)

A platform for invited speakers and panelists from industry, regulatory agencies and academia. Topics in emerging markets are preferred.

Scientific Section (October 29/30)

An academic conference with papers presented in various sessions. It consists of submitted papers on risk management, to be reviewed and selected by an international panel of experts. Submissions must represent original and unpublished research. Sessions will be devoted to the dissemination of scientific findings.

Luis A. Seco (RiskLab, University of Toronto)
Desheng Dash Wu (RiskLab, University of Toronto)

Scientific Committee: please click here

Speakers: click here

John R. Birge, Member of National Academy of Engineering, University of Chicago
CVA and wrong way risk Managing risk with operational and financial instruments

Endre Boros, Rutgers University
How to mitigate the risk of blowing up and the cost of being too cautious?

Matt Davison, University of Western Ontario
Energy Storage: A problem at the intersection of quant finance, optimization, and energy policy

John Hull, University of Toronto
CVA and wrong way risk

David Olson, Chancellor's Distinguished Chair, University of Nebraska
Broader Perspectives of Risk Management

Tom Salisbury,York University
Planning for retirement: sustainability versus legacy

David Simchi-Levi, Professor, Co-Director, Leaders For Global Operations and System Design and Management, MIT
Mitigating Business Risks from the Known-Unknown to the Unknown-Unknown

Yonggang Ye, Vice Dean, WuHan University

Rudi Zagst, Technische Universität München
The Crash-NIG Copula Model - Pricing of CDOs under changing market conditions

Wei Zhang,* Director-General and Professor of Finance, College of Management and Economics, Tianjin University; Former Vice Director, NSFC
* to be confirmed


Suggested topics of interest at the 3-C Risk Forum include, but are not limited to:

• Common risk issues among Canada, China and USA
• New risk issues in emerging market such as China
• Understanding and modeling systemic risk
• Liquidity risks and their implications
• Derivative pricing models and empirical studies
• Structured products design and analysis
• Operational, market and credit risks
• Enterprise risk management theory and practice
• Optimization and computational tools for risk management
• Statistical and econometric techniques for in risk management
• Social investment
• Environmental risk such as risk in Carbon markets
• Supply chain risk management and finance.

Click here for the author template


For details, Click here

Schedule, updated October 21, 2011

Friday October 28, 2011
8:00 - 8:30 Registration and Morning Coffee
8:30 - 9:10 Opening Ceremony
9:10 - 10:00 Keynote Speaker: John Hull (Rotman School of Management)
CVA and wrong way risk
Moderator: Luis Seco
10:00 - 10:10 Refreshments
10:10 - 11:00 Keynote Speaker: Matt Davison (University of Western Ontario)
Energy Storage: A problem at the intersection of quant finance, optimization, and energy policy
Moderator: Luis Seco 
11:10 - 12:00 Keynote Speaker: David Olson (University of Nebraska-Lincoln)
Broader Perspectives of Risk Management
Moderator:  Luis Seco 
12:00 - 12:15 Group Photo (for scholars)
12:15 - 1:30 Lunch 
1:30 - 2:20 Keynote Speaker: John R. Birge (Chicago Booth)
Managing risk with operational and financial instruments
Moderator: Dash Wu

2:20 - 3:40

Greetings and Inaugural meeting of CAOPS (Chinese Association of Oversea Postdocs  & Scholars)

Speaker: Liyan Yang (Rotman School of Management)
Differential Access to Price Information in Financial Markets

3:40 - 3:45 Refreshments
3:45- 4:15 Keynote Speaker: Don Hathaway (Global Risk Institute)
Moderator: Matt Davison
4:15 - 5:00 Distribution-Free Approaches in Finance (Rm. 230; Time : 16:15 – 17:00)
Speakers: Yuri Lawryshyn (University of Toronto)
Valuing Risky Projects Based on Managerial Cash Flow Estimates: A Real Options Approach
Moderator: Matt Davison 
4:45 - 5:00 Refreshments
5:00 - 6:00 Undergraduate student event: Industry
Panel Participants: Mark Coyle, Joseph Paradi, Luis Seco
Moderator: Andi Kerenxhi
Chair: Kate Klyueva

PhD Student session
Panel Participants: Walid Mnif, Michael Jong Kim
Moderator/Chair : Dexter Wu
Room 230
6:30 - 10:00 Optional: Networking Dinner Party Speakers (Hart House)
Undergraduate event (participants except those being invited need pay a certain amount of fee)
Saturday October 29, 2011
8:00 - 9:00 Morning Coffee
9:10 - 10:00 Keynote Speaker: David Simchi-Levi (MIT)
Mitigating Business Risks from the Known-Unknown to the Unknown-Unknown
Moderator: Dash Wu
10:00 - 10:10 Refreshments 
10:10 - 12:00

Undergraduate student event: FUN Talks Speakers
Session Chair: Anne Dranovski (Stewart library)

(10:00- 12:00)

 PhD Student Session
Session Chair: Walid Mnif
Presenters: Melissa Mielkie, Meng Han,
Ryan Donnelly, Jason Ricci, Jean Xi, Nabeel Butt
12:00 - 1:15 Lunch 
1:15 - 2:05 Keynote – Rudi Zagst (TUM, Germany)
The Crash-NIG Copula Model - Pricing of CDOs under changing market conditions
Moderator:  Endre Boros
2:05 - 2:35 Alexander Melnikov (UofAlberta)
Quantile risk management of equity-linked life insurance contracts with stochastic interest rate
Moderator: Endre Boros
2:35 - 2:50 Refreshments
2:50 - 3:50 Keynote – Endre Boros (Rutgers University)
How to mitigate the risk of blowing up and the cost of being too cautious?
Moderator:  Rudi Zagst
3:50 - 6:00 PhD Student session 
Session Chair: Kevin D. Ferreira
Speakers: Mike Pavlin, Jue Wang, Johnny Tam, Kevin D. Ferreira (Rm. 230)
Sunday October 30, 2011
8:00 - 9:00 Morning Coffee
9:10 - 10:00

Keynote-  Tom Salisbury (York University)
Planning for retirement: sustainability versus legacy
Moderator:  Matt Davison

10:10 - 10:40 Pablo Olivares (Ryerson University)
Computing OR-risk measures: recent techniques and open problems
Moderator:   Rudi Zagst  
10:40 - 10:50 Refreshments
10:50 - 12:00 Closing Ceremony & Awards
Words from Math Department ChairWords from the next host of the 3C Risk Forum
Moderator:  Dash WU
12:00 - 2:00 Lunch


Paper contest

Young researchers are welcome to participate in the Birge Essay Contest on Optimization under Risk (Becor, click here at Elsevier website)

Workshops/Cluster/Sessions/Student event

Participants are welcome to propose workshops/cluster/sessions. Students are welcome to propose student events. Students whose proposal is approved will be appointed student ambassador in charge of the proposed event and part of the Essay Contest.


For those interested in publication, paper submission deadline is August 10, 2011.
For those interested in giving a presentation, presentation submission deadline is September 1, 2011. Papers should be submitted via online submission system: or by e-mail: and
For inquiries contact Christine ( or Dexter (

Click here for the author template


Papers are suggested to address engineering related topics. All accepted papers will published by the Elsevier journal Systems Engineering Procedia, or a Springer book (see For a substantially extended version, these famous journals (e.g., click here or here ) can be the outlets.

Registration details

Fees includes coffee breaks and publishing your paper** in an Elsevier journal.,
Fees before Sept. 20- $200, after Sept. 20 -$300
PRMIA member before Sept. 20- $170, after Sept. 20 -$255, Graduate Students before Sept. 20- $100, after Sept. 20 -$180

**This fee applies only to papers of sufficient quality for publication. The organizing committee reserves the right not to accept papers.**
PRMIA member not submitting a paper, before Sept. 20- $43, after Sept. 20 -$85
Guest, not submitting a paper, before Sept. 20- $50, after Sept. 20 -$100

Further Contract Information:

University of Toronto
1 Spadina Crescent Room 205
Toronto, ON M5S 3G3 Canada
Phone (416) 946-58 08
Fax (416) 978-41 07

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