February 16, 2025

Distinguished and Coxeter Lecture Series

The Fields Institute Coxeter Lecture Series (CLS) and the Distinguished Lecture Series (DLS) are intended to bring a leading international mathematician in the field of the thematic program of the Institute to give a series of three lectures. One talk should be an overview to a general mathematical audience including post-doctoral fellows and graduate students. The other two talks can target program participants in their choice of topic(s), in collaboration with the organizers of the related thematic program.




Coxeter Lectures, November 14-16, 2016 (dates TBC)
Part of the Thematic Program on Combinatorial Algebraic Geometry
Andrei Okounkov, Columbia University
November 14
November 15,
November 16


Coxeter Lectures, October 28-30, 2015
Part of the Thematic Program on Computer Algebra
Victor Shoup, Courant Institute
October 28
, 4:00 pm
October 29
, 4:00 pm
October 30
, 4:00 pm


Distinguished Lectures, May 4-5, 2015 & May 20, 2015
Short Thematic Program on Delay Differential Equations

JOHN MALLET-PARET, Brown University
May 4, 3:30 p.m. Recent Advances in Delay Equations
May 5, 9:00 a.m. C (but not Analytic) Solutions of “Analytic” Functional Differential Equations
May 20, 5 p.m. Tensor Products, Positive Operators, and Delay-Differential Equations

Coxeter Lectures, April 7-9, 2015
Thematic Program on Statistical Inference, Learning, and Models for Big Data
MICHAEL JORDAN, University of California, Berkeley
April 7, 3:30 pm
April 8, 3:30 pm
April 9, 11:00 am

Coxeter Lectures, September 29, 30 and October 1, 2014
Thematic Program on Variational Problems in Physics, Economics and Geometry
SYLVIA SERFATY, Université Pierre et Marie Curie Paris 6

Distinguished Lectures, September 8-10, 2014
Thematic Program on Variational Problems in Physics, Economics and Geometry

SIMON BRENDLE, Stanford University
September 8 Ricci Flow and the Sphere Theorem
September 9 Minimal tori in $S^3$ and the Lawson Conjecture
September 10 New Estimates for Mean Curvature Flow


Coxeter Lectures, May 27,28,29, 2014
Thematic Program on Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Banach andOperator Algebras
University of California, Los Angeles
On II_1 factors arising from free groups acting on spaces

Coxeter Lectures, November 13,14,18, 2013
Thematic Program on Calabi-Yau Varieties: Arithmetic, Geometry and Physics
CLAIRE VOISIN, Institute de Mathématiques de Jussieu
Nov. 13 The canonical 0-cycle of a K3 surface
Nov. 14 On the Chow ring of Calabi-Yau manifolds
Nov. 18 Decomposition of the small diagonal and the topology of families

Distinguished Lectures
, October 15-17, 2013

Thematic Program on Calabi-Yau Varieties: Arithmetic, Geometry and Physics
MAXIM KONSEVICH, Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques

Oct. 15 What is tropical mathematics?
Oct. 16 Quivers, cluster varieties and integrable systems
Oct. 17 Fukaya category meets Bridgeland stability


Distinguished Lectures, May 28-30, 2013
Thematic Program on Torsors, Nonassociative Algebras and Cohomological Invariants
JEAN-PIERRE SERRE, Collège de France
May 28 -
The use of Algebraic Groups in Algebra and Number Theory
May 29 - Unitary groups and trace forms in characteristic 2, Pt 1
May 30 -Unitary groups and trace forms in characteristic 2, Pt. 2

Coxeter Lectures, May 21-23, 2013
Thematic Program on Torsors, Nonassociative Algebras and Cohomological Invariants
RAMAN PARIMALA, Emory University
May 21 - Arithmetic of linear algebraic groups over two dimensional fields
May 22 - Quadratic forms and Galois cohomology
May 23 - A Hasse principle over function fields

Coxeter Lectures, May 7,9,10, 2013
Thematic Program on the Mathematics of Oceans
VLADIMIR ZAKHAROV, University of Arizona

Distinguished Lectures, Nov. 7-9, 2012
Thematic Program on Forcing and its Application
University of California, Irvine

Distinguished Lectures, August 28-30, 2012
Focus Program on Whitney Problems
ASSAF NAOR, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University
The Lipschitz Extension Problem


Distinguished Lectures, May 7-9, 2012
Thematic Program on Inverse Problems and Imaging
, Stanford University
May 7 - From compressive sensing to super-resolution
May 8 - Robust principal component analysis? Some theory and some applications
May 8 - PhaseLift: Exact Phase Retrieval via Convex Programming

Distinguished Lectures, April 18-20, 2012
Thematic Program on Galois Representations
CHRISTOPHE BREUIL, Université Paris-Sud
The $p$-adic Langlands program in the ordinary case and fundamental algebraic representations

Coxeter Lectures, Feb. 29-Mar 2, 2012
Thematic Program on Galois Representations
MICHAEL HARRIS, Université Paris 7 (Jussieu)
Open Questions about Motives Attached to Automorphic Forms

Coxeter Lectures, November 7-11, 2011
Thematic Program on Discrete Geometry and Applications
STEPHEN SMALE, City University of Hong Kong
November 7- From Vision to Vaccines: The Unifying Power of Mathematics
November 9 - Hodge Theory Extended
November 11 - The Peptide Binding Problem

Distinguished Lectures, October 12-14, 2011
Thematic Program on Discrete Geometry and Applications
ERIK DEMAINE, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

October 12 - Algorithms Meet Art, Puzzles, and Magic
October 13 -- Linkage Folding: From Erdös to Proteins
October 14 -- Geometric Puzzles: Algorithms and Complexity

Coxeter Lectures, July 11-13, 2011
Summer Thematic Program on the Mathematics of Constraint Satisfaction

Rice University (Audio and Slides of talks)
July 11 - And Logic Begat Computer Science: When Giants Roamed the Earth
July 12 - From Philosophical to Industrial Logics
July 13 - Logic, Automata, Games, and Algorithms


Coxeter Lectures April 13-15, 2011
Thematic Program on Dynamics and Transport in Disordered Systems
SRINIVASA VARADHAN, Courant, NY (Audio and Slides of talks)
Large Deviations and Related Topics

Distinguished Lectures, February 22-24, 2011
Thematic Program on Dynamics and Transport in Disordered Systems
YAKOV SINAI, Princeton (Audio and Slides of talks)
February 22 - Moebius Function and Statistical Mechanics
February 23 - Statistics of Gaps in the Sequence {n^1/2}
February 24 - Singularities of complex-valued solutions of the 2-dim Burgers system

Distinguished Lectures, January 19-21, 2011
SHING-TUNG YAU, The Chinese University of Hong Kong and Harvard University (Audio and Slides of talks)
Jan. 19, What is the Shape of Inner Space?
Jan. 20, Further Exploration on the Shape of Inner Space
Jan. 21, Mass and Momentum in General Relativity

Distinguished Lectures, November 1, 3, 4, 2010
CEDRIC VILLANI, Institut Henri Poincaré, Université Claude Bernard Lyon I (Audio and Slides of talks)
Nov. 1 - What is the fate of the solar system?
Nov. 3 -
Particle systems and Landau damping
Nov. 4 - From echo analysis to nonlinear Landau damping

Coxeter Lectures September 17,20,21, 2010
Thematic Program on Asymptotic Geometric Analysis
SHIRI ARTSTEIN-AVIDAN, Tel-Aviv University (Audio and slides of talks)
Sept. 17 - Abstract duality, the Legendre transform and a new duality transform
Sept. 20 - Order isomorphisms and the fundamental theorem of affine geometry
Sept. 21 - Multiplicative transforms and characterization of the Fourier transform

Distinguished Lectures September 14-16, 2010
Thematic Program on Asymptotic Geometric Analysis
AVI WIGDERSON, Institute for Advanced Study
Randomness, Pseudorandomness and Derandomization (Audio and slides of talks)

Coxeter Lectures August 4-6, 2010
( Summer 2010) Thematic Program on the Mathematics of Drug Resistance in Infectious Diseases
NEIL M FERGUSON, OBE, FMedSc, Imperial College, London
Mathematical modelling of emerging infectious disease epidemics and their control (Audio and slides of talks)


Distinguished Lectures April 21-23, 2010
Thematic Program on Quantitative Finance: Foundations and Applications
, Dean Witter Distinguished Professor of Finance at The Graduate School of Business, Stanford University,
Dark Markets (Audio and slides of talks)

Coxeter Lectures April 6-8, 2010
Thematic Program on Quantitative Finance: Foundations and Applications
, Professor of Applied Mathematics, Ecole Polytechnique
Director of the Department of Applied Mathematics, Ecole Polytechnique.
Head of the Financial Modeling Group, at the Center for Applied Mathematics, Ecole Polytechnique.
Backward Stochastic Differential Equations: Are you really looking back? Answers in Finance, Stochastic control and PDE's (Audio and slides of talks)

Coxeter Lectures November 23- 25, 2009
Thematic Program on the Foundations of Computational Mathematics
ÉVA TARDOS, Department of Computer Science, Cornell University
Games and Networks and the Quality of Outcomes (Audio and slides of talks)

Distinguished Lectures September 16-18, 2009
Thematic Program on the Foundations of Computational Mathematics -
HENDRIK LENSTRA, Mathematisch Instituut, Universiteit Leiden
Modelling finite fields (Audio and slides of talk)

Distinguished Lectures August 17,18,20
Thematic Program on Mathematics in Quantum Information
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Aug. 17 - Communicating over Quantum Channels
Aug. 18, 20 - The Computational Complexity of Ground States of Quantum Systems
(Audio and slides of talk)


Distinguished Lectures May 25-27, 2009
Thematic Program on o-minimal structures and real analytic geometry
Uniformly hyperbolic SL(2,R) cocycles (Audio of Talk)

Distinguished Lectures November 12-14, 2008
Thematic Program on Arithmetic Geometry, Hyperbolic Geometry and Related Topics
YUM-TONG SIU, Harvard (Audio of talk)

Coxeter Lectures September 29-October 3, 2008
Thematic Program on Arithmetic Geometry, Hyperbolic Geometry and Related Topics
SHOU-WU ZHANG, Columbia University (Audio of Talk)
Periods, Heights, L-values

Coxeter Lectures August 6-8, 2008
Thematic Program on Mathematical and Quantitative Oncology
MARTIN NOWAK, Harvard University (Audio of Talk)
August 6 - Somatic Evolution of Cancer
August 7 - Evolution of Cooperation
August 8 - Prevolutionary Dynamics (the origin of life)


Distinguished Lectures Thematic Program on Operator Algebras
May 28-30, 2008
ALAIN CONNES, Collège de France
May 28- The spectral characterization of manifolds
May 29 - A CKM invariant in Riemannian geometry
May 30 - About the field with one element

Distinguished Lectures
Thematic Program on New Trends in Harmonic Analysis
April 9,10,11 2008
, University of Cambridge
Quadratic Fourier Analysis (Audio and Slides)

Coxeter Lectures Thematic Program on New Trends in Harmonic Analysis
February 25-27, 2008
JILL PIPHER, Brown University Audio and Slides
Multi-parameter Fourier Analysis

Distinguished Lectures Thematic Program on Operator Algebras
November 5-7, 2007
UFFE HAAGERUP, Odense (Audio and Slides)
Free probability and the invariant subspace problem for von Neumann algebras


Distinguished Lectures Thematic Program on Geometric Applications of Homotopy Theory
May 14, 15, 17, 2007
Harvard University
May 14 - Classical and quantum invariants of manifolds
May 15 - Homotopy invariance of string topology
May 17 - The topological WZW space of conformal blocks (Audio and slides)

Coxeter Lectures Thematic Program in Cryptography
November 22-23, 2006 at 3:30 p.m.
SHAFI GOLDWASSER, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Limits of Obfuscation (Audio and slides)

Coxeter Lectures Thematic Program in Cryptography
September 25-27, 2006
GERHARD FREY, Institut für Experimentelle Mathematik, Universität Duisburg-Essen
Duality Theorems in Arithmetic Geometry and Applications (Audio and slides)


Coxeter Lectures
Thematic Program on Holomorphic Dynamics, Laminations, and Hyperbolic Geometry --
March 27-29, 2006
Curve complexes, surfaces and 3-manifolds (Audio and slides)

Distinguished Lectures
Thematic Program on Holomorphic Dynamics, Laminations, and Hyperbolic Geometry
January 9-11, 2006
January 9-- Irrational quadratic forms I.
January 10 -- Indefinite qiadratic forms II
January 11 - On one interesting class of functions on the space of lattices (Audio and slides)

Coxeter Lectures
Thematic Program on Renormalization and Universality in Mathematics and Mathematical Physics
November 23-25, 2005
LAI-SANG YOUNG, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences
A mathematical theory of strange attractors (Audio and talk)

Coxeter Lectures
Thematic Program on Renormalization and Universality in Mathematics and Mathematical Physics
September 13-15, 2005
Scaling limits of two dimensional random systems (Audio and talks)


Coxeter Lectures Thematic Program in the Geometry of String Theory-
M AY 9-11, 2005
RENATA KALLOSH, Physics, Stanford
Talk 1: Towards String Cosmology
Talk 2: Stabilization of moduli in string theory I
Talk 3: Stabilization of moduli in string theory II
(Audio and talks)

Coxeter Lectures Thematic Program in the Geometry of String Theory
April 4-7, 2005
EDWARD WITTEN, IAS, Princeton (Audio and talks)
Lecture 1: Relativistic Scattering Theory
Lecture 2: Gauge Symmetry Breaking
Lecture 3: The Quantum Hall Effect

Coxeter Lectures Thematic Program in the Geometry of String Theory
January 17-20, 2005
ROBBERT DIJKGRAAF, Institute for Theoretical Physics, Amsterdam (Audio and Slides)
Lecture 1:The Mathematics of String Theory
Lecture 2: Topological String Theory I
Lecture3: Topological String Theory II

Coxeter Lectures Thematic Program in the Geometry of String Theory-(Audio of talk)
November 15-17, 2004
NIGEL HITCHIN, Mathematical Institute, Oxford
Lecture 1:Open orbits and geometrical structures
Lecture 2: Instantons and bihermitian metrics
Lecture 3: Geometry with B-fields


Distinguished Lectures Thematic Pogram in Partial Differential Equations
May 10-13, 2004
JEAN BOURGAIN, I.A.S., Princeton and Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign (Audio and slides)
Qualitative aspects of Hamiltonian PDE's and lattice models

Coxeter Lectures Thematic Program in Partial Differential Equations
May 3-5, 2004
SERGEI KUKSIN, Heriot-Watt (Audio and slides)
Mathematics of 2D Statistical Hydrodynamics

Coxeter Lectures Thematic Program in Partial Differential Equations
October 20-22, 2003
, University of California, Berkeley (Audio and slides)
Lecture 1: Introduction, optimal mass transfer
Lecture 2: Weak KAM theory for dynamics
Lecture 3: Calculus of variations in the max-norm


Distinguished Lectures Thematic Program in Automorphic Forms
April 9-11, 2003
PETER SARNAK, Princeton University (Audio of talk)
Automorphic L-functions and equidistribution

Coxeter Lectures Thematic Program in Automorphic Forms
March 10 - 12, 2003
STEPHEN S. KUDLA, University of Maryland (Audio of Talk)
Arithmetic theta series

Coxeter Lectures Thematic Program in Set Theory and Analysis
November 4-6, 2002
HUGH WOODIN, University of California, Berkeley (Audio of Talk)
1) The Continuum Hypothesis and the $\Omega$ Conjecture
2) Strong Axioms: Determinacy and Large Cardinals
3) Extender Sequences and Beyond


Coxeter Lectures Numerical and Computational Challenges in Science and Engineering
March 11-14, 2002
RANDALL LEVEQUE, Applied Mathematics Department, University of Washington
Solving Wave Propagation Problems in Heterogeneous Media

Coxeter Lectures Numerical and Computational Challenges in Science and Engineering
October 29, 30, November 1, 2001
GENE GOLUB, Stanford University
Matrices, Moments and Quadrature


Distinguished Lectures Summer School in Quantum Information Processing
May 17-18, 2001
'Quantum Computing and Capacities of Quantum Channels'

Coxeter Lectures Symplectic Topology, Geometry, and Gauge Theory Program
March 12-14, 2001
ALEXANDER B. GIVENTAL, University of California at Berkeley
'Gromov - Witten invariants in higher genus'

Coxeter Lectures Infinite Dimensional Lie Theory and Its Applications Program
Dec. 5-7, 2000
GRAEME SEGAL, Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford
'The Idea of Space in String Theory '


Coxeter Lectures Graph Theory and Combinatorial Optimization Program
January 17-19, 2000
PAUL SEYMOUR, Princeton University
- An Introduction to Graph Minors
-Graph Minors: Sketches of Some Proofs
-Graph Minors: Current Research

Coxeter Lectures Graph Theory and Combinatorial Optimization Program
November 1-3, 1999
LÁSZLÓ LOVÁSZ, Microsoft Research
'Geometric Representations of Graphs'


Coxeter Lectures Probability and Its Applications Program
May 11-12, 1999
, Cornell University
'DNA repeat sequences'
'Stochastic spatial models; easy as 1, 2, 3'
'Scaling limits of particle systems'

Distinguished Lectures Program in Probability and its Applications
October 1-2, 1998
PIERRE-GILLES DE GENNES, Ecole Supérieure de Physique et de Chimie Industrielles de la Ville de Paris
Branched polymers and the Ariadne length
Sand dunes: how they form, how they move
From rice to snow: some problems of granular matter


Distinguished Lectures
April 14-15, 1998
AVI WIGDERSON, Institute for Advanced Study
'A Computational View of Randomness'
'Tight Hardness vs. Randomness Trade-offs'

Coxeter Lectures Complexity Theory Program
Feb 23-27, 1998
ALEXANDER A. RAZBOROV, Steklov Mathematical Institute
'Complexity of proofs and computations'
'Natural proofs and feasible proofs of circuit lower bounds'
'Read-once branching programs and regular resolution'

Coxeter Lectures Microlocal Methods in Geometric Analysis and Mathematical Physics Program
November 3-7, 1997
VLADIMIR BUSLAEV, St.Petersburg University
' Scattering of nonlinear waves'
' Connection between the singular spectrum of linear operators and the theory of dynamical systems'
' Spectral theory of the difference equations with periodic coefficients'

Distinguished Lectures
October 27-31, 1997
RICHARD B. MELROSE, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
'Scattering Theory, Travelling Waves and Geodesic '
T'he Scattering Matrix, Trace Formulae and Asymptotics'
'Invertibility, Index Formulae and Global Invariants'


Distinguished Lectures
June 16-20, 1997
VLADIMIR ARNOL'D, Steklov Mathematical Institute and Université de Paris-Dauphine
'From the Hilbert Superposition Problem to Dynamical Systems'
'Polymathematics: Symplectization, Complexification, and So On'
'Topologically Necessary Wavefront Singularities, the Sturm-Hurwitz Theorem on Fourier Series and Higher Derivative' 'Extensions of Morse (Conley-Zehnder-Chekanov-Chaperon-Floer) Theory'
Conference in Honour of Vladimir Arnol'd

Distinguished Lectures
May 5-7, 1997
MIKHAEL GROMOV, Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques, University of Maryland and Courant Institute
'Geometry and Complexity'

Coxeter Lectures Singularity Theory and Geometry Program - Coxeter Lecture Series
March 10, 12, 13, 1997
ALEX J. WILKIE, Mathematics Institute, Oxford University
'O-Minimal Tarski Systems: Theory and Examples'


Distinguished Lectures
May 10-13, 1996
SERGEI V. NOVIKOV, Steklov Mathematical Institute
'Laplace and Darboux Transformations: Exactly Solvable One- and Two-Dimensional Schrödinger Operators '
'Some Topological Phenomena in the Theory of Metals

Distinguished Lecture Series
April 21, 1996
ROBERT MACPHERSON, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton University
Topology of Spaces with Torus Actions

Distinguished Lectures
October 23, 1995
ANDREW WILES, Princeton University
'Modular Forms and Elliptic Curves'
(Also, Public Lecture on Fermat's Last Theorem)

Distinguished Lectures
October 1995
RAOUL BOTT, Harvard University
'The Group of Gauge Transformations -- Our Gift from the Physicists'
(Held in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia)

Distinguished Lectures
August 25, 1995
ROGER PENROSE, University of Oxford
Thoughts On Geometry, Computability And Tiling Problems


Distinguished Lectures
June 21-23, 1995
CHARLES FEFFERMAN, Princeton University
'Electrons and Protons in Magnetic Fields'

Distinguished Lectures
June 9 - 11, 1995
ALAIN CONNES, Collège de France
'Hecke Algebras, Type III Factors and Phase Transitions with Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking'

Distinguished Lectures
March 3-7, 1995
DAN VOICULESCU, University of California, Berkeley
'Free Probability Theory'
'Random Matrices and Operator Algebras'
'Free Entropy'

Distinguished Lectures
May 16, 1994
DAVID MUMFORD, Harvard University
Mathematical Models for Thought - Markov Random Fields and Pointer Variables - and Links with Neurobiology

Distinguished Lectures
May 16, 1994
NANCY KOPELL, University of Boston
'Oscillating Networks of Neurons: What Makes Them Tick?'


Distinguished Lectures
March 25-29, 1994
GERD FALTINGS, Princeton University
'Diophantine Approximation'
'The Product Theorem '
'Abelian Varieties'
'Projective Spaces'


Distinguished Lectures
May 29, 1993
SIR MICHAEL ATIYAH, Director, Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge
Geometry and Quantum Mechanics

Distinguished Lectures
October 20-24, 1992
MICHAEL BERRY, University of Bristol
Quantum to Classical Asymptotics, Chaology, and the Riemann Zeros

Distinguished Lectures
September 23 - 25, 1992
VAUGHAN JONES, University of California, Berkeley
Lectures on Subfactors, Knots and Spin Models


Distinguished Lectures
June 11, 1992
STEPHEN SMALE, University of California, Berkeley
Bezout's Theorem and Complexity Theory

Distinguished Lectures
June 10 - 11, 1992
PHILLIP GRIFFITHS, Director, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton
'Characteristic Cohomology of Differential Systems'
'Conservation Laws for Differential Systems'
'Exterior Differential System'