Fields Research Exchange Program
An opportunity to perform research at one of Fields' International Partner Institutions
Fields Research Exchange Program (FREP)
Looking to have a unique opportunity to travel that will enhance your research experience? Listed below are international opportunities available to members of the Fields Institute and of its Principal Sponsoring Universities (PSUs) or Partner Institutions to do research in superlative research environments in a manner consistent with the Fields Institute mission. Deadlines for applications are February 15, June 15, and October 15 of each year.
The objective is to encourage collaborative research by offsetting mobility expenses of research visits and to facilitate and promote international academic visits between the participating sites.
For example, researchers from Partner Institutions will have the opportunity to further their research experience by participating in a Fields Thematic or Focus Program and/or by planning a research visit at the Fields Institute or at a PSU. Likewise, researchers from Fields or PSUs will be able to spend time at a Partner Institution for research purposes. These visits may last from one to four months, but longer periods may be arranged by mutual agreement of the partners.
Application forms are posted below with each Partner Institution.
If you have any questions about FREP, please contact Bryan Eelhart.
How To Apply
Acknowledging Fields Support
If you’ve received funding from the Fields Institute, we want you to share this news. An acknowledgement of our support is a testament to the calibre of your work, and helps us demonstrate the value of mathematics research to the scientific community, funding agencies, and the general public. Acknowledgement guidelines can be found here.