February 15, 2025

Fields Institute Graduate School Information Day

November 3, 2001

The Fields Institute is organizing an event for the afternoon of Saturday November 3 to help University departments reach prospective graduate students, and to inform senior undergraduates about other programs in nearby universities. The information day will consist of two lectures aimed at undergraduates in the mathematical sciences, followed by a reception and a display of each participating university's materials.
This will give Universities an opportunity to meet students who are interested in going on to graduate school and answer their questions.

We are making a table (and poster board if requested) available to each university.
Universities with several departments are asked to cooperate on using the space. Fields can assist Universities with renting a van or bus to facilitate student travel for the afternoon, to request assistance please contact

Schedule for the Day

12:30--1:30 Open time--Information available
1:30--2:10 Cam Stewart, University of Waterloo
"On a fundamental conjecture from the theory of numbers"
2:20--3:00 Walter Craig, McMaster University
"A mathematical theory of water waves"
3:00--4:00 Reception and information sessions