February 11, 2025

The Individual Finance and Insurance Decisions (IFID) Centre at The Fields Institute

Second Annual Conference on Personal Risk Management
November 21, 2002

Sponsored by The Investor e.ducation Fund

The Individual Finance and Insurance Decisions (IFID) Centre is proud to announce the second annual conference on Personal Risk Management to be held at the Fields Institute (Toronto, Canada) on Thursday November 21st, 2002. This one-day event is dedicated to the topic of Personal Finance and Insurance Issues and will focus on applying quantitative and rigorous financial techniques to the decisions individuals face in their daily life.
The broad objectives of The IFID Centre are to disseminate and conduct applied research in the growing field of financial risk management for individuals. This includes the obvious areas of finance and insurance as well as economics, actuarial science, taxation, operations research, law, psychology, sociology and marketing as they pertain to helping individual consumers make better financial decisions.

This conference is sponsored by The Investor e.ducation Fund. The IEF was established by the Ontario Securities Commission in 2000 to develop and support initiatives that educate investors. The Fund is committed to narrowing the gap between investment knowledge and investment activity.

For more information about The IFID Centre and a description of our past activities please visit

Call for Papers
Academics and practitioners who are interested in presenting research at the conference are invited to submit a paper on the topic of Personal Financial Risk Management prior to JUNE 15, 2002, to:

Prof. Moshe Milevsky, Executive Director
The IFID Centre at the Fields Institute
222 College Street, 2nd Floor
Toronto, Ontario, M5T 3J1, Canada
Tel: 416 348-9710 ext. 3010
or by email at:

The submissions will be reviewed by a scientific committee and decisions will be made by the late summer. Note that speakers whose paper is accepted for presentation at the conference will have their travel expenses and local accommodations covered by The IFID Centre.

The conference fee, which is heavily subsidised by our corporate sponsor and is a minimal $55 CDN. ($1 CDN = $0.65 USD), which includes GST, lecture notes and papers, a light lunch, coffee and snacks. For more information about the conference registration, accommodations and travel details to the Fields Institute, please contact Program Coordinator at The Fields Institute, 222 College Street, Toronto, Ontario, M5T 3J1

For accommodation resources, please see the Fields Housing page

For more information please contact the conference organizer, Moshe Milevsky, at the IFID Centre 416 348-9710 ext. 3010 or by email at: