February 12, 2025

2010 Workshop on Hybrid Dynamic Systems
July 29-31, 2010
University of Waterloo

Organizing committee: X. Liu (Chair), S. X. Shen , W.-C. Xie , M. Alwan, J. Liu, P. Stechlinski, H. Zhang, Z. Zhang.
Workshop Home page
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This Workshop on Hybrid Dynamic Systems will be held in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada during July 29-31, 2010, and is sponsored by the Fields Institute and the University of Waterloo. This 3-day workshop is to share the recent progress and advances in stability and control of hybrid dynamic systems and related areas, and bring together leading experts and young scholars (graduate students and postdoctoral fellows) to discuss recent developments and results, to provide an overview of the current research and applications, and to foster collaboration between researchers.

There will be some invited expository addresses covering recent trends, several invited lectures on problems of current interest and important applications in various disciplines, and a number of contributed talks on specific topics to be given by professors, postdoctoral fellows, and graduate students. The workshop will also provide an excellent opportunity for graduate students to learn new developments in these areas and to present their research findings.

Contributed papers are invited. Topics may include (but not limited to):

  • stability analysis and stabilization
  • structural stability and bifurcation
  • switched systems and switching control
  • impulsive systems and impulsive control
  • hybrid systems with time delay
  • stochastic hybrid systems
  • infinite dimensional hybrid systems
  • systems with impacts
  • chaos and synchronization
  • hybrid controller design
  • robust control and stabilization
  • applications

Directions and Map

Please visit for detailed directions to University of Waterloo and campus maps (both electronic and printable).