February 11, 2025

First Ukraine-Canada Summer School in Mathematics:
Dynamical systems and Related Topics

Fields Institute,
Mathematics Department, University of Toronto and
Department of Mathematical and Computational Sciences, University of Toronto at Mississauga

14 - 26 August, 2006

Organizers: Konstantin Khanin and Michael Yampolsky (University of Toronto)

Canadian mathematics has established a tradition of summer schools that provide intensive undergraduate mathematics training. The Fields Institute and the Department of Mathematics of the University of Toronto are seeking to broaden summer school participation to the international level. The First Ukraine-Canada summer school is a pilot project in this direction.

Ukraine has a long tradition of producing stellar young mathematicians through a network of specialized highschools, mathematical circles, and well-established universities. It is important for their successful development, however, to bring them in contact with the wider mathematical world. By achieving this goal, the summer school will contribute to the deep historical connection between Canada and Ukraine.

The school will bring together a small number of talented Ukrainian and Canadian undergraduate students. The theme of the 2006 summer school is "Dynamical systems and related topics". The University of Toronto is one of the world leading centres in Dynamics, which was also reflected in the subject of this years' Thematic Program at the Fields Institute . The program of the school will consist of two intensive short courses, and a series of invited lectures given by the leading experts from the faculty of the University of Toronto. A detailed schedule will be posted at a later date.


Elements of Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems
Instructor: Konstantin Khanin (Toronto)

Potpourri from One Dimensional Real and Complex Dynamics
Instructor: Michael Yampolsky, (Toronto)

Lecturers: (tentative listing, will be updated)

Tentative Schedule: (it is not final yet and subject to revisions)

Monday, Aug. 14

location: BA 2135

10:00-10:45 Yampolsky
11:00-11:45 Yampolsky
3:00-4:00 Quastel

Tuesday, Aug. 15

location: BA 2135

10:00-11:00 Quastel
11:00-12:00 Binder
2:00-3:00 Bar Natan

Wednesday, Aug. 16

location: BA 2135

10:00-11:00 Binder
11:15-12:15 Bar Natan
2:00-2:45 Yampolsky
3:00-3:45 Yampolsky

Thursday, Aug. 17

location: BA 2135

10:00-10:45 Khanin
11:00-11:45 Khanin
2:00-3:00 Murty

Friday, Aug. 18

location: BA 2135

10:00-10:45 Yampolsky
11:00-11:45 Yampolsky
2:00-2:45 Khanin
3:00-3:45 Khanin

Monday, Aug. 21 (UTM)

location: CC2150

10:00-10:45 Khanin
11:00-11:45 Khanin
1:45-2:45 Murty
3:00-4:00 Karshon

Tuesday, Aug. 22

location: BA 2135

10:00-10:45 Yampolsky
11:00-11:45 Yampolsky
1:45-2:45 Khesin
3:00-4:00 Roeder

Wednesday, Aug. 23

location: BA 2135

10:00-10:45 Khanin
11:00-11:45 Khanin
1:30-2:30 Bar Natan
2:45-3:45 Khesin
4:00 Pizza and beer at Fields

Thursday, Aug. 24

location: BA 2135

10:00-10:45 Yampolsky
11:00-11:45 Yampolsky
1:45-2:45 Karshon
3:00-4:00 Forni

Friday, Aug. 25

location: BA B024

10:00-10:45 Khanin
11:00-11:45 Khanin
12:00-1:00 Forni

Funding and application

Canadian students:
Canadian graduate students should apply to for admission to the program. Applications should include a resume, transcript and the names of two references. The organizers will contact the references directly. Students should request support from their graduate supervisor or home institution. A limited amount of supplementary funding may be available from the Fields Institute, and may be applied for at the time of application to the program. Funding requests should indicate the support being provided by a student's home institution.

Ukrainian students:
Ukrainian students are eligible to apply for admission if they are finishing their 3rd or 4th year of a 5 year program, or 4th or 5th year of a 6 year program. Students accepted for the program will receive scholarships to cover travel and local expenses, including housing.

To apply, Ukrainian students should submit the following information:

  1. A brief curriculum vitae (CV) or resume, listing achievements such as: publications if any; special awards or grants; participation in Mathematical Olympiads or similar contests; Contact information should include address, phone number, and e-mail. Please email your supporting documents to
    Note: the CV should address the applicant's knowledge of English. In particular, it should indicate English language courses taken (if any).

  2. A copy of a university transcript (in English, Ukrainian, or Russian). Students are encouraged to scan and email their transcripts at to expedite the process.

  3. Two letters of recommendation by the Faculty members. The letters should be sent by the referees directly to us. They should not be sent by the applicant. The letters should be e-mailed to Letters can be written in English, Ukrainian, or Russian. The preferred format for the letter is PDF if possible.

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