. Please join House of Anansi Press and The Fields Institute for
the book launch of: 
King of Infinite Space: Donald Coxeter, The Man Who Saved Geometry
By Siobhan Roberts
Siobhan Roberts on A Dodecahedral Universe
A Computer-Animated Excerpt from King of Infinite Space (with 3D
The short films Dihedral Kaleidoscopes An internationally
award-winning short geometry documentary starring Donald Coxeter;
and Space, Time, and The Atom Bomb with Coxeter and Lister
Sinclair discussing geometry as applied to the everyday world.
Reception with Larissa Doherty on piano, performing Coxeter's teenage
compositions, and refreshments.
Siobhan Roberts
Siobhan Roberts, author of a biography of Donald Coxeter (King of
Infinite Space, published this fall by Anansi), is a Toronto freelance
writer and journalist whose work focuses on reconciling what the British
novelist and scientist C.P. Snow famously referred to as "the
two cultures" of science and art.
In 2001 she met Donald Coxeter, then age 94, and was taken with
his tremendous and enduring passion for geometry, as well as his
stomach-curdling bedtime elixir Kahlúa coffee liqueur,
peach schnapps, sometimes a splash of vodka, all mixed with soymilk
and his lifelong habit of standing on his head every morning,
to which he attributed his longevity. She followed Coxeter to the
last geometry conference he would attend, in Budapest in the summer
of 2002, where he gave the opening address, providing a new and
elegant proof of a theorem relating to "four mutually tangent
circles," a subject which finds application in data-mining
Roberts has written for numerous general interest and scientific
publications including The New York Times "Science Times,"
The Walrus, SEED, The Mathematical Intelligencer, Canadian Geographic,
the Globe and Mail, the Toronto Star, and the Boston Globe "Ideas"
section. She is currently developing a documentary film on Coxeter.
Her magazine profile of the geometer, "Figure Head," appeared
in Toronto Life magazine and won a National Magazine Award. She
also won an NMA for her Saturday Night article "Broken Records"
focusing on Canada's National Archives, this feature article
investigated the future of the past and how new technology is endangering
rather than enhancing the
preservation of archives.
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