February 11, 2025

June 18-23, 2007
Conference on Combinatorics and Optimization
University of Waterloo

Organizing Committee:
Andris Ambainis, Bill Cunningham, Ian Goulden,
Alfred Menezes, Bruce Richter (Chair), Paul Schellenberg, Levent Tuncel

Registration fees are $275, $100 (students & PDF's)
(fee waived for invited speakers & banquet ticket included)
Banquet fee: $50 *Friday June 22*
Stratford trip: $100 (first 56 people max.)*Wednesday June 20*

Registered Participants
Invited Speakers Contributed Poster Sessions
Accommodation in Waterloo

In celebration of the 40th anniversary of the department, and the 50th anniversary of the university, the Department of Combinatorics & Optimization at the University of Waterloo is hosting a six day conference June 18-23, 2007. The theme is to focus on the six main research areas represented by the department: algebraic combinatorics; combinatorial optimization; continuous optimization; cryptography; graph theory; and quantum computing. The goal of the conference is to encourage and stimulate both further research within these areas, and cross-discipline interaction. We are greatly honoured by the 54 invited speakers whose participation ensures that this will be an outstanding event for established research scientists and graduate students alike.

Contributed Poster Session - Monday June 18, 2007

Immediately following the last invited talk of the afternoon, there will be a poster session, accompanied by refreshments for all conference participants.

Invited Speakers

Dorit Aharonov, Hebrew University
Noga Alon, Tel Aviv /IAS
George Andrews, Pennsylvania State
Eric Bach, Wisconsin
Michael Ben-Or, Hebrew University
Charles Bennett, IBM T.J. Watson
Nantel Bergeron, York University
Philippe Biane, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris
Gilles Brassard, Montréal
Maria Chudnovsky, Princeton
Andrew R.Conn, IBM
Bill Cook, Georgia Institute of Technology
Gérard Cornuéjols, Carnegie Mellon/Marseille
Claude Crépeau, McGill
Ronald de Wolf, CWI, Amsterdam
Bert Gerards, CWI & Eindhoven Univ. of Technology
Ira Gessel, Brandeis University
Michel Goemans, MIT
Mark D. Haiman, UC, Berkeley
Patrick Hayden, McGill
Satoru Iwata, Kyoto University
Julia Kempe, CNRS, Université Paris-Sud
Neal Koblitz, Washington
Adrian Lewis, Cornell
Bojan Mohar, Simon Fraser
Jorge More, Argonne National Labs
Mike Molloy, Toronto

Assaf Naor, Microsoft, Seattle
Yurii Nesterov, CORE - Université Catholique de Louvain
Andrew Odlyzko, Minnesota
Oded Regev, Tel Aviv University
James Renegar, Cornell
Alexander Schrijver, CWI, Amsterdam
Andras Sebö, IMAG
Paul Seymour, Princeton
Leonard J. Schulman, California Institute of Technology
Peter Shor, MIT
Alice Silverberg
, UC, Irvine
Richard Stanley, MIT
John Stembridge, University of Michigan
Benny Sudakov
, Princeton
Eva Tardos, Cornell U
Robin Thomas, Georgia Institute of Technology
Carsten Thomassen, Technical University of Denmark
Andrew Thomason, Cambridge
Michael J. Todd, Cornell
Umesh Vazirani, UC, Berkeley
Hugh Williams, Calgary
David Williamson, Cornell
Richard Wilson, California Institute of Technology
Margaret H. Wright, Courant Institute
Steve Wright, Wisconsin
Andrew Yao, Princeton
Yinyu Ye, Stanford

Financial Support

Financial support for a limited number of graduate students is available in the form of free accommodation during the conference. To apply, students need to send their cv and a letter from their supervisor by March 15, 2007 to . The deadline for applications is now past.


Accommodations has been reserved for use by conference participants at the following locations, please indicate that you are attending the Conference when booking

Conrad Grebel University College (University of Waterloo)(dorm style, shared accommodation)

Waterloo Inn

The Comfort Inn

King Street Residences (Wilfrid Laurier University) (dorm style, shared accommodation)

Other accommodation on or close to campus:

Best Western St. Jacobs

Travel to Waterloo

There is a very small airport in Kitchener-Waterloo (YKF) with flights to Detroit and several other cities. Toronto (YYZ) is a very large airport. Hamilton also has an airport (YHM). Both of these airports are about an hour from Waterloo.Airways Transit provides transportation if you don't want to rent a car.
Airways transit will give our conference participants a reduced rate on their transportation to and from the airport, if they identify themselves as C&O@40 conference attendees. Airways Transit Information

Details on how to reach the campus.

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