Education Development Center, Inc.

Newton, MA

President and CEO: Janet Whitla


Grants and contracts from a variety of sources, including U.S. and foreign government agencies, private foundations, nonprofit organizations, universities, and corporations


To develop programs in partnership with the people who will use them, balancing their diverse viewpoints and expertise, on a wide range of subjects, while maintaining a strong tradition of creating innovative curricula and contributing to comprehensive systemic solutions.


Today, fundamental questions of equity, diversity, and social justice take on special significance in all of our work. As our society becomes more pluralistic and the world more interconnected, we need to find new ways to learn from each other and use both our differences and our commonalities to improve the quality of life for all. EDC programs are designed to enhance learning opportunities for people of all ages, backgrounds, and abilities.




The EDC works on many projects and publications that can be broadly classed into the eight following themes:


Early Childhood - Supporting programs in the areas of special education, health, parental involvement, and professional development for teachers and managers and working with low-income parents to ensure them access to health care, community services, and education.


Improving Schools - Working with teachers, students, and researchers to develop academically rigorous curriculum materials that foster inquiry-based learning in many subjects and at all grade levels.


Heath and Justice - To promote health, justice, and safety across the lifespan by focusing on such areas as reproductive health, and the prevention of alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use; violence, suicide, and injury; sexually transmitted diseases; and chronic diseases.


International Projects - Assisting other countries in the identification and adaptation of solutions that best fit their settings, by working to develop comprehensive systems for health, nutrition, and education in diverse communities.


Math and Science - Through extensive research and collaboration with teachers, scientists, mathematicians, and technology specialists, to develop new and effective approaches to content, instruction, and assessment.


Learning Technologies - Conducting research on how best to increase access to knowledge through a variety of technologies, and designing programs that use technology to promote active learning, community building, and equity among all people.


Literacy – To provide basic education programs in developing countries, adult literacy programs in the United States, and to develop collaborations with teachers on issues of language diversity in the classroom.


Learning to Work – To conduct international research on best practice in workforce development and school-to-work initiatives, and promote systems of lifelong learning that begin in school and extend into the community and the workplace.


The EDC has a very extensive list of publications in all of the above mentioned themes. See,


The EDC has a broad and inclusive definition to the word “education.” Their view of education is not bound by the walls of a school or university or focused only on children and young adults. Instead, their projects reach around the world and across the lifespan—from early childhood development to professional development and job training, from elementary school science and mathematics to adult literacy.



The EDC has authored many educational materials that are available from their publishers or from the EDC. Products include curriculum, software, videos, staff development materials, teacher resources, and web-based tools.

Project Management Plan


Formative Evaluation Plans


Timeline of Project Activities



The EDC is an extensive, not-for-profit, R&D corporation whose main function seems to be the development and dissemination of a large body of education materials.